The One Where Poe is a Hero

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What about this one?' Rey said as she twirled around in her fourth outfit.

Ben shrugged his shoulders. 'You look hot in all of them I really can't make this decision.'

Rey put her hands on her hips, 'That's nice to hear but it doesn't help me. What are you going to wear?'

'A suit.'

Rey rolled her eyes, 'What colour?'

'Suit coloured.'

'You're a real hoot you know that?'

Ben smirked, 'Get them all.'

'Don't tempt me.'

'Okay the gold then. The gold one made your eyes sparkle.'

Rey beamed, 'Really?'

'Would I lie to you?'

'Isn't that the reason we're here?' Rey said playfully.

'Point taken.' Ben said.

Rey came towards him and placed a kiss on his lips.

'Gold it is, I'll just get changed.'

When she came out of the changing room Rey could hear Ben's deep voice, as she turned the corner she heard the tinkling laughter of Baz Natal accompanying his tone and grimaced.

Ben was facing her with his hands in his pockets. He looked apologetically at Rey as she approached, Baz continued talking, Rey stuck her fingers down her throat and Ben pressed his lips together.

Baz finally noticed that Ben wasn't focused on her and turned around.

'Oh hi Rey! I was just keeping Ben company, the poor thing looked bored to death!'

'Thanks so much.' Rey said with a sweet smile.

'I hear you are going to a gala?'

'We are.'

'I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Gosh, I've been to so many of these things I can't even tell them apart from each other! I bet this is the first one you've been too right?'

Rey gritted her teeth. 'Yes.'

'And she will be the most beautiful girl in the room.' Ben said smiling at her.

Rey blushed and smiled back. God, I love you Solo.

Baz ran her tongue over her teeth and ignored the comment, 'Well I must be going. Lots to do. See ya!' She said before sashaying out of the store.

'God that girl! Does she have a tracker on you?' Rey started inspecting Ben's jacket.

'Just a nasty coincidence I think. Come on let's go pay and then we can get out of here.'

Shoes, dress and bag acquired, Rey decided it was time to have a bit of fun with Ben.

'So, there's one more thing I need....'


Rey smiled and steered Ben towards a lingerie store. His eyes widened as they entered. The shop had low lighting and the décor was black with accents of red. Multi coloured lingerie hung everywhere and displays of sex toys and accessories left little to the imagination.

'What's your favourite colour?' Rey asked.


Rey headed to a stand of black silk lingerie. She picked out a silk black thong.

'I won't need a bra with the dress being so tight.' She said, eying Ben as he swallowed. He followed her through the racks.

She picked up a pair of furry handcuffs, 'Want me to get some of these?' She teased.

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