The One With The Date

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They walked back to the school together but parted ways as they entered the building. Ben was going to prepare for the afternoon's activities and Rey was keen to find Rose and update her on the days events. She watched Ben as he walked away from her. God that ass.

Rose appeared beside her, 'where have you been?'

'To lunch with Ben' Rey said with a flip of her hair.

'No.Way.' Rose said her mouth falling open.

Rey's eyes flashed with excitement as she hooked her arm around Rose's and they giggled together.

'Oh my god Rose, I cant believe he did that for me. My heart is still melting.'

'I almost squealed out loud when I saw him kiss you. You see! I told you he would fall in love with you!'

'Well maybe not love but certainly in like. He asked me to go out with him tonight.' Rey said puffing out her chest.

'Wow! That's amazing Rey!'

'I know. Are my feet still on the ground? Because I literally feel like I'm walking on air right now.'

'Oh Rey I'm so pleased for you.' She said, 'but....won't Ben have to go back to London soon? What happens then?'

...And just like that Rey's Day plummeted down on the 'best day ever' chart. She had found a man she really liked. One who liked her back. One who made her see stars when they kissed, and he was leaving.


Rey put all thoughts of Ben returning to London to the back of her mind. He was here now and that's what mattered. She intended to make the most out of every minute she had left with him, so she got to the classroom early and seated herself near the front.

Ben briefly looked up from the notes he was making and half smiled at her. Rey full smiled back.

There was another very attractive man talking Ben's ear off. He was gesturing wildly and Rey only caught a few of the words but he seemed to be talking about 'lighting' and 'drama' and 'capturing the moment.' Rey figured it made sense as there was a camera around the man's neck. This went on for a few more minutes until Ben lost his patience slammed his pen down on the desk and turned to face his annoying companion.

'Just take pictures of the students doing the task I've set them,' He hissed, 'There's no need to, to use your exact words, 'get all dead poets society up in this joint.' Just point the camera and click the goddamn button. Surely even you can manage that?'

Rey pressed her lips together. The man sighed and shook his head. His voice was slightly louder now and Rey could make out his dramatic response.

'You have no respect for art Ben Solo.'

'Art and I get along fine Poe, it's you I have a difficult relationship with.'

Poe opened his mouth to respond but then closed it again. As the room was starting to fill out, Rey assumed he must have decided to pick up the conversation later.

Dead Poets Society. Rey giggled. She liked Poe already.

The afternoon passed pleasantly. Rey got to look at Ben as much as she wanted and no one could say anything about her opening ogling him as they were supposed to be into each other. Ben had to split his time amongst all the students so she didn't get his attention on her as much as she would have liked, but that was understandable. He did have a job to do and there was the promise of lots of uninterrupted Ben time later to help sustain her.

Baz was still trying to use her womanly wilds on him. She wouldn't meet Rey's eyes whenever she tried to glare in her direction. What a cheek! She was so brazen! That was obviously the only reason she had even bothered to invite them to her party. She had just wanted Ben to show up. What a two faced cow. Rose gently squeezed Rey's arm,

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