The One Where Ben Solo is a Dick

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Rey stood outside the hall while Ben collected his things. She still couldn't believe she had done it! She had asked Ben Solo out and more importantly he has accepted her offer! She was sure he was just being nice, and didn't have any real interest in her, but now she was one step closer to not being made a total fool of in the morning. At least he would know her name now! She did a little victory shimmy in the hallway until she heard the door open, then she instantly stopped. They smiled awkwardly at one another.

They walked towards the exit together. Ben really was gorgeous, he made her heart flutter, and he was American! That just made it so much better! All that thick dark hair of his made her fingers itch to reach out and touch it, and his face though seemingly permanently set in a half frown, was so interesting to her.

She fell behind a little as they walked, he had such a wide stride, but she didn't mind too much. It gave her a chance to admire him from behind. He was huge. Such broad shoulders and that ass..... Rey cocked her head to the side. Yup. That was a work of art.

Suddenly Ben stopped and she pulled herself away from her ogling and jogged to catch up with him.

'So.....have you visited many schools?' She asked.


'I hope it hasn't been too gruelling for you?'


Okay....this was going well.

'What's it like living in the capital?'


'Well I'm sure Jakku is boring in comparison! Nothing ever happens here.'


Okay, now he was starting to piss her off. Couldn't he answer a question with more than one word? The monosyllabic ass! Okay, she really needed to remember why she was here. She needed something from him. Be nice Rey. Be patient.

They left the high school and headed to a local bar just around the corner. Rey knew a lot of students often hung out there and was hoping a few of them might see them together. She was in luck as she spotted a few students from her school laughing over chicken wings and beer.

As they entered the bar, Rey faked a stumble, 'Ouch!' She called out, feigning a leg injury.

'Are you alright?' Ben asked with a furrowed brow.

'Just an old dance injury plays up sometimes. May I?' She reached for his arm.

'Oh um, sure.' He mumbled and he awkwardly held out his arm towards her.

This was going to be fantastic. She wrapped her hands around his arm and smiled sweetly at her fellow students as they sauntered by.

Oh, hello there fellow students! Yes please get an eye full of me and my lovely hunk of arm candy!

She couldn't have planned this better! She felt a little thrill run through her as she gently squeezed his forearm. So many muscles.....was there any part of this man that wasn't hard? Her thoughts instantly turned to his crotch and she blushed furiously.

They reached the bar and Ben turned to her.

'What would you like?' He asked.

Well that was sweet. After all, she had offered to buy him a drink.

'Vodka and Coke please.'

Ben ordered her drink and ordered himself a whisky. She steered him towards a small table at the back of the bar. She was hoping to be seen but not heard. They sat down and exchanged nervous smiles. They both sipped their drinks in silence for a few moments.

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