Ben Solo is a Pussy No More!

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And he took me out for lunch and it was the most amazing Caesar salad I had ever eaten!'

Rey walked into her form room on Monday morning to the sight of Baz holding court and loving the attention.

She turned just as Rey entered the room and locked eyes with her target, a predatory smile slowly forming on her lips.

Here we go. Rey thought to herself. Holding her binder tight against her chest as if it would protect her.

'So sorry I ruined your weekend with Ben.' She said with a fake pout.

Rey smiled and waved a hand at Baz, 'No problem. Ben told me all about why he had to work.'

Baz looked taken back. Maybe she had assumed this would be the first time Rey would be hearing this version of events. Rey thanked her lucky stars that Ben had decided to ring her yesterday and they had managed to straighten the whole mess up. Facing Baz unprepared would have been a train wreck.

'Sometimes you just gotta put your nose to that grind stone even though you'd rather be somewhere else you know?' Rey continued scrunching up her nose as she spoke.

Baz's face formed into a scowl and she placed her hands on her hips, 'I hope I'm not the grind stone in this little scenario.'

'I sincerely hope not since I don't want my boyfriend putting his nose anywhere near you.' Rey snapped back.

The two girls stared at each other for a moment. The form room had long since gone quiet, their fellow students foregoing their usual inane chatter about weekend plans and homework fails to listen in on the heated conversation between the two girls.

'Mmm mmm!' A girl from a lower year group who Rey recognised as one of the office helpers appeared in the classroom doorway clearing her throat and struggling to hold a huge bunch of red roses.

Baz's hands flew to her face in surprise, 'These must be from Poe! Or maybe they are from Ben making amends for having to leave early.' She purred glancing at Rey.

Rey felt her jaw tighten. Everything in her body told her to punch the smug grin off Baz's face and she made a step towards her with her fists clenched just as the delivery girl spoke again.

'Actually these are for Rey.'  The girl said in a small voice.

Rey turned and looked at her. The girl came forward and held the flowers out towards Rey. She took them, and the girl let out a breath and wiped her brow. 'Phew! Thank you! Those were heavy! Must be expensive. To come in their own glass vase! And the little crystals in the centres are a nice touch! Anyway see ya!'

The girl headed off back to the office. Rey looked down at her flowers. They were exquisite. Rey has never received flowers before. Ever. Ben. These were definitely from Ben. Her heart squeezed in her chest. Then she realised she was missing a sight that would be even more satisfying than the flowers she held in her hands. She glanced at Baz. The girls eyes were bulging out of her face, a face which had now gone decidedly red.

'How....lovely.' She muttered to Rey before returning to her desk.

Rey smirked as she headed to her own seat. Setting the flowers down on the table, she pulled out a little envelope with her name on out of the centre of the arrangement.

'What does the card say?' Rose asked excitedly leaning over in her seat to smell the roses. Rey read the card and had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. She would have loved to have seen the look on the shop assistants face when Ben handed her this note, maybe he even had to recite it to her if he ordered by phone:

Please accept this fucking massive, ridiculously over priced bouquet of 'You can suck it Baz' long stem roses. Don't know why it matters that they have long stems, but there you go. Did I mention I was sorry? Because I am. Really really sorry. xx

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