4.) Dreaming

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|I see the place that we belong together.|


The butterflies in my stomach won't shut up. I hate being anxious about everything. I don't mind flying and I love camp arbre so why am I so nervous?

I've gone to camp Arbre since freshman year. I love getting to be with my best friends Haven, Gwen, and Elsie. If we can make it through camp initiation together, we can make it through anything together.

I live in Denver Colorado. I've grown up going hiking, skiing, or camping every weekend. I'm outside every second that I possibly can. Obviously I can't wait to get to Camp Arbre and spend 4 weeks outdoors with my favorite people.

I close my eyes as the plane begins to lift off the ground. I open them a few moments later and look out my window. It always amazes me how beautiful the earth looks from up above the clouds. The flight to Maine is only four hours, I travel a lot so this is nothing compared to some flights I've been on.

I got approximately ten minutes of sleep last night so now would be a good time to get some rest. I can't wait to until I make it to Camp Arbre. Just six more hours.

• • •

I wake up to the sound of beeping, the plane is beginning to descend. I brush my fingers through my hair and grip the seat tightly, this is a bumpy landing. When the plane touches the ground I am one of the first people off. My dad travels a lot for his job so I usually fly first class.

There's a car waiting outside to pick me up. A short round man opens the door for me. "Ms. McKormick, are you excited for summer camp?" "Yes of course!" That's the only conversation we have for the 45 minute drive. I can't get ahold of Haven or Gwen, they must still be in the air. I texted Elsie but she seems distracted, she said she's talking to a boy on the bus. That's extremely rare so I wouldn't want to interrupt!

I'm one of the first people to arrive at camp so I can choose pretty much whatever Cabin I want for Haven, Gwen, Elsie, and myself. All the cabins are virtually the same. They all have 2 wooden bunk beds on either side of the wall and not much room for anything else. But I know which ones to avoid. Some of them "belong" to seniors or even sophomores who are way more popular than us. I guess that's just the way things are at Camp Tree.

I find a Cabin that's not too far from the dining hall and decide to set up Camp there. I walk through the door and take a deep breath, it smells like damp wood. God I missed this place.

I began to set my bags down when I realize there's someone else already here. He's a bit taller then me, maybe 6 foot. He's pale, with bright red hair, and piercings. Definitely cute.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't realize anyone was in here!" I say a little to loudly.

"It's fine! I just got here a second ago." he says. "I'm Michael". He's Australian.

"Oh uh I'm Savannah. Nice to meet you"

"Come sit down" He sits down in the middle of the bottom bunk on the right and gestures to the one across from him.

"Sure why not. My friends shouldn't be here for another hour". What am I doing? I shouldn't be sitting down to talk to this guy, I should be finding a cabin and settling in. Besides, since when do people here want to talk to me? Whatever. I drop my bags by the door, walk over to the left bunk, and sit gently on the squeaky mattress.

"So how long have you been coming here?" he asks.

"This is my third year" I answer. "What about you?"

"It's my first year. My friends have always talked about how great it is and this year they dragged me along with them."

"Wait...are you friends with Ashton, Calum, and Luke?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"There aren't exactly a whole lot of Australians at Camp Arbre."

"It is quite a long ways from Australia."

My phone buzzes. It's a text from Elsie. I'll be there in ten!!!!

"Sorry! I have to go! My friend will be here in a sec and I still haven't claimed a cabin"

"Okay, nice to meet you Savannah." He says and our eyes meet for a moment before drifting apart.

I stand up, grab my bags, and rush out of the cabin. "See you later Michael."

• • •

The cabin I choose is just a few down from Michael's and looks exactly the same as all the other ones. I throw my bags onto the top bunk and jog out of the cabin. Elsie should be here any minute!

I walk to the camp entrance and patiently wait for the school bus. It's not long before I can see it in the distance. I'm so excited I can't breathe. The bus rolls to a stop not far from me and I begin walking toward it.

The bus begins unloading and Elsie is one of the first people off. As she's picking up her bags I run up and give her a big hug. "ELSIE!" I scream.

We haven't been talking for more than a few seconds before we're interrupted by a boy. "Can I help you with that?" he asks, while handing her a duffle bag.

He's tall and fit. Is this the guy Elsie was talking to on the bus? Man, he's hot. How did Elsie manage to start talking to him?

"So I'll see you tonight" he says.

"I still have to check with the girls" Elsie says. Check with us about what? Why would she see him tonight? The boy starts walking away.

"Oh my god! What-" Elsie cuts me off.

"I'll tell you later." What the fuck? Who is this guy and what's happening tonight?

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