14.) Loved You First

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Part One

| I never understood what love was really like; but I felt it for the first time looking in your eyes. And now when I see you with him, my whole world falls apart |


The hike yesterday hurt. It hurt bad. It used muscles I haven't used in ages; and the pain yesterday was like fire, burning and spreading to the rest of my body. Today, the pain has subsided to a dull aching everywhere.

Kind of the same as loving Elsie. It's an uphill climb, trying to make her mine. It uses muscles in my heart that have never been used before. At camp, it's like a fire in my soul, painful and nearly unbearable. And when I get home, it's a dull, never ending ache.

But just like I can exercise more often and strengthen my muscles, I've also convinced myself to dive deeper with Elsie. I'll work at her until all her walls are down. I'm going to make her mine this summer, if it's the last thing I do. I don't care if I'm competing against Liam. I'm bound and determined.


Elsie's face appears in front of mine and I jump.

"Hey." I grin, covering it up.

"Were you daydreaming?" She sends me a weird look, "I was yelling for you all the way over there." She points at the porch of the girls' cabin.

"Oh. No." I offer her a smile, "I was reminiscing." I say sarcastically.

"Sounds... Nice." Elsie laughs. Her laugh is really weird. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go swimming with me and Gwen. Luke's going too, so me and you can play chaperones." She rolls her eyes. "I don't wanna be an auntie yet."

I laugh and nod, "Yeah, I'll go with you. Why aren't Savannah and Haven going?"

"Haven went somewhere with Ash and Savannah went on a walk with her iPod this morning, so it'll be awhile before she comes back." Elsie sends me a look, "She would spend all day outside if we let her."

"Aight then. I'll go get my trunks on."

Elsie turns and walks back to her cabin, and I watch her walk away-specifically her butt.

"Stop staring at my ass, Cal." She calls as she gets to the porch. Elsie turns around and winks before disappearing into the cabin, leaving my cheeks a fiery red.

I hurry to change, stopping to flex my abs in the mirror a few times, and checking my hair.

"Come on, mate. It's just Elsie." Luke says, leaning against the bathroom door.

"Says the guy who took nearly an hour in the bathroom yesterday perfecting his hair for the party he just knew he was going to kiss Gwen at."

Luke's cheeks redden, and he disappears from the doorway with a "Whatever."

Soon we're on our way to the lake, and we spot the girls immediately.

It's not hard; they're the only girls in the water.

Elsie waves at me and Gwen turns around, shading her eyes to see who Elsie's waving at.

Her face perks up when she sees Luke, and as we put our stuff down, I see her fixing her swim suit.

Which is really hot, to be honest. Gwen's is a two piece, but Elsie is wearing a one piece. She's probably the only girl on the beach not wearing a bikini.

"Hey guys." Gwen leans into Luke as we approach them in the waist deep water. "This current is kind of strong."

"Or maybe you're just a light weight." Luke teases her.

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