17) Disconnected

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  || I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you.||      

The day turned around so quickly, one minute I'm playing in the pool with Luke now I'm sitting in a cabin with the worlds "four closest friends" who all currently seemed to hate each other. Haven's still mad at Elsie for the Harry incident, although Savannah is really the one who should be mad about that. Haven had pretty much disappered after that. Elsie felt really bad about attacking Harry, and the fact that Savannah kept just saying "it's fine" everytime she apologized didn't seem to be helping. Elsie and Savannah both went to sit with Liam and a few other seniors, so I decieded to sit with the aussies.

" It's pretty weird to see the squad all sitting seperately. " Luke pointed out, as I sat down across from him.

"Yeah, it's pretty tense between El and Hav." I look over at Calum who is staring sadly at his spahgetti, as if it's going to tell him the solution to all his problems. "Calum, don't let what Elsie said today get to you, she's just being dumb. In a few days everything will be back to the way it was before."

"The thing is, Gewn. I don't want things to go back to the way the were before." Calum fired back. I obviously wasn't helping the situation much, so I decided to just shut up.

"So..." Michael turned to me. "What exactly happened with Savannah and Harry, Today." He asked me, obviously trying to make it seem like he didn't really care. Ashton smirked at him and he gave him a death stare.

"Nothing really, they just went out together. Elsie got really mad, but I think Savannah and Harry are kind of cute together." I explained.

"She could do better." Michael remarked.

"Like you?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrow at Michael.

"I mean, maybe or anyone who's not Harry pretty much." I laughed, and took the last bite of my spaghetti.

"I'm gonna go back to the cabin, See you guys" I stood up, started and threw my plate away.

"Wait Gwen! I'll walk back with you so you don't get raped." Luke shouted, stuffing the rest of his spaghetti down his throat and running after me.


It was already starting to get dark as me and Luke walked aross the camp grounds.

"So, how's everything up in the capital?" Luke still didn't undersatnd the difference between Washington state and Washing D.C.

"Um... It's pretty good I guess. how's life down under? I asked.

"pretty good?" he repeated, ignoring my question.

"yeah, that's what I just said." I smiled, confused.

"That's not a valid answer, I won't accept it." he grinned at me, "Gwen, you never really tell me about your life. It's like I know the camp arbre Gwen, not the real Gwen."

" Well, my older brother had cancer on the side of his lung, but luckily they caught it early and were able to treat it. My dad's been working nights, and he seems pretty stressed about not making enough money. And I've been taking guitar lessons so that's pretty cool, I got a job at a little diner to pay for them."  As I was telling him all of this I realized how little I actully talked to people, like I listen to their problems and I talk to them about the weather and what my favorite band has be up to, but i really never talk to anyone about my problems, I guess no one ever really seemed to care. 

"Well, next year we'll have to both bring our guitars and we'll have a jam session, how's that sound?" He smiled at me. We were just getting to the top of the hill where the path starts to split into two, one leading to the cabins and the other to the lake. 

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