16.) Colours

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[ I run around this town and act like I don't care]


I follow Ashton and Calum into the cabin that they share with Luke and Michael, letting the screen door shut behind me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at what I see Calum doing. He's throwing clothes into a suitcase like a little fucking baby.

"Cal, man, would you just take a sec and listen to me?!" Ashton tried to get his attention, but Calum doesn't listen to him. Guess it's my turn to step in.

I stomp up to Calum, yanking the pair of jeans out of his hands and throwing them on the floor. I grab his shoulders, shaking him back and fourth "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, MAN!" I shout. Calum looks at me with wide eyes. I drop my hands from his shoulders and sigh, looking into his eyes with very little sympathy "Elsie's an idiot. Even I know that, and I'm one of her best friends. She sometimes says stuff without thinking about the consequences. I know you love her, Cal. And I know what she said really hurt you." My voice takes an apologetic tone "But, you can't let this effect your whole summer! She's one girl, dude-" Calum opens his mouth to interrupt me but I cut him off "If you say "but she was the girl" I swear to God I will cut off your balls with a butter knife." He shuts his mouth quickly "There are plenty of girls here who would kill to get in your pants, trust me."

"Really?" Ash and Calum both said in unison. Calum's voice sounded more hopeful whereas Ashton's sounded more shocked.

I turn around to glare at Ashton "Yes." I turn back to Calum "In fact, all the girls in cabin 205 drool over you every time you walk pass." A smirk makes it's way onto Calum's face. I smile proudly and smack his shoulder "Atta boy! Now go shower away all your feelings and have a meaningless fling with a random valley girl!" He bounces on his feet before hopping away to the bathroom, leaving Ash and I alone.

I turn around slowly, holding my arms out in a gesture of self confidence "Nice job, Warner." He congratulates me as a slowly walk towards him "You should be a therapist."

"I've always had a knack for it." We stood in front of each other for only a moment before Gwen and Luke walk through the door. I sigh in relief at the sight of Gwen "Oh thank God! Someone I'm not mad at!" Ignoring Ashton and Luke's offended looks, I move to grab Gwen's hand and pull her out of the boys' cabin without even saying so much as a 'bye'.

"Woah, Hav, what's with the death grip? Is everything ok?" Gwen asks as we come to a stop in the middle of the camp ground, looking out onto the parking lot.

We both watched the whole scene play out. Savannah and Harry pulled up in an old corvette, Elsie impatiently awaiting their arrival. Before Harry's feet could even hit the pavement, El was on him like a very angry moth to a flame with a huge ego, "That." I pointed angrily at our two friends and the senior boy "...is what's wrong."

Gwen scoffed in an attempt to hide her laughter, as the scene of Elsie trying to beat Harry to a pulp was somewhat funny. But I wasn't laughing, under other circumstances I would be, but not now. The painful look in Calum's puppy dog eyes was burned into my memory at the moment and the only thing I could seem to do was be angry at Elsie. And as Savannah manages to pull the older girl off of Harry, Elsie finally spots Gwen and I, looking at us in exasperation.

"A little help, maybe?!" She shouts at us. Gwen looks to me for guidance and I look back at her. She has her usual confused look in her eye and I can tell she wants to help. I roll my eyes, giving in to her pleading look. Without mumbling a word, I stalk over to the three teenagers, totally aware of the crowd that had developed around us.

My strides lengthen as I spot more familiar faces in the campers surrounding us. Niall, Zayn, Liam, all in the large crowd. Elsie seems to give me an annoyed/grateful look, but it doesn't last long. I finally reach the group, Gwen close behind me. I stick a fake smile on my face. "I think you've got it handled." I make sure to whip my hiar extra fast just so it will whack Elsie in the face, and strut off, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. The ground was quite bumpy, making it hard to follow through with my sassy exit.

I was hoping Gwen would follow my lead, but I could hear her yelling questions at the group behind me, still not able to comprehend what had actually happened. It seemed like forever before I was finally out of ear shot of their conversation, but I finally make it to our cabin, stomping up the steps and throwing the door open dramatically. I realize just how angry I actually am at everyone. At Elsie, at Savannah, at Harry. All for different reasons. But the person I'm most mad at, is Elsie. 

She didn't see the look on Calum's face, all she was thinking about was herself and how she 'had something with Liam'. And how she just assumed that Niall had something to do with Harry taking Savannah. I don't know how long it was going to take for me to cool down, but it needed to happen fast before I come within 100 feet of her, otherwise shit will go down.

I consider walking back over to the boys' cabin and hang out there until I can calm down a bit, but then decide that that's the first place Elsie will head. She'll try and catch Calum so she can fix her mess before it gets out of hand. So I consider going for a swim. But that's too out in the open, they'll all see me and try to talk to me.

Someone knocks on the cabin door softly, knocking me out of my own thoughts. I whip around to see Niall through the screen. Perfect. He's perfect.

I take long, quick strides to open the door, stepping out on the porch to stand in front of him. The screen door shuts behind me and I lean against it, "Take me away, Horan." 


This is short and late and awful, but you get sassy Haven and the next chapter will be better, promise. You better hope Katie gets her shit together and updates quick. Anyway, vote and comment, we like those! -Em

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