10) Illusion

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||I promise falling for me won't be a mistake.||


Some people like hikes, they like bunions on their pinky toes, poison ivy all over their bodies, Mosquitos sucking their blood at every turn. I don't like hikes. So, with my luck, I get stuck with the group that is going on a-you guessed it-hike! I was walking next to Ashton, discussing why he hasn't put on bug spray before we left the mess hall. He defended himself by saying 'I'm used to it, being from Australia and all.' And I countered with 'How does being from Australia make you used to little blood sucking bugs coming at you from all angles?' To which he giggled. Damn his giggle.


"So...Did you have fun last night?" Ashton asked, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his shorts as I laugh at Calum and Elsie shoving each other ahead of us.

"Uh, yeah, I guess it was ok." I answer truthfully "I mean, when you and those senior boys started arguing things started to take a turn for the worst." Ash scoffs at my statement, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"I told you this morning, Hav, those guys are nothing but a bunch of tools who think they're cooler than everyone at this camp. I'm just looking out for you." I stop walking, forcing him to stop also. He sighs, looking down at me in exasperation.

"And what makes you think I can't look out for myself, Irwin?" My question was a serious one, but I couldn't help the smirk the twitches at the corner of my lip.

"I think you're very capable of taking care of yourself, Warner." He steps closer to me, so close his breath is brushing against the tip of my nose and spreading an odd feeling through my body "I just don't think they're capable of making good decisions."

I just barely notice how is eyes dart down to my lips for a split second before we're forced to back away from each other by a group of voices "Hey! There you are!" Ashton groaned at the Irish accented voice.

"Go catch up with the others I'll be there in a minute." I tell him, pushing his shoulder to give him a head start. I turn to Niall who's waving his friends off "Hey!" I smile brightly, inwardly cringing at the sound of my voice.

"How was the rest of your night?" He asks politely.

"Uneventful. At least compared to the rest of it." He laughs. I laugh along.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you, some things got in the way, didn't they."

I nod in agreement "Yeah, what is it with you and the Aussies? Is there like some secret battle going on between them and your friends?" Niall shakes his head in embarrassment.

"It's kind of a long story, actually-"

"HAV COME ON CAL IS DRIVING ME TO THE BRINK OF INSANITY." I squeeze my eyes shut, Elsie's voice hitting that pitch that it always hits when she's about to go ballistic.

"I should probably go play Switzerland. I'll see you later?"

"Definitely." Niall wiggles his eyebrows before I take off in a skip towards my friends. The blonde Irishman taking over my thoughts for the rest of the hike.


"I'll give you five bucks to go push Harry off the cliff." I jump when Elsie speaks up from behind me, but shake it off with a light chuckle.

"What?! Why would I push Harry of a cliff?" The whole hike Elsie had been bashing on Harry, how he shouldn't be standing next to Sav, how he should just stay away from her all that crap. And now, while I'm trying to enjoy the beautiful view after enduring the awful hike that I didn't wanna go on in the first place, she tries to get me to commit homicide.

"Because he's not good for Savannah! We've been over this!" She lowers her voice to a whisper and turns so she's face to face with me "Harry Styles is a playboy, always has been, always will be. He's gonna use Sav for his own personal needs and then toss her to the side once he's done with her. And its gonna break her, Hav. And we're only gonna be able to pick up so many of the pieces before camp is over, I don't want to leave her broken for a whole year." I stared ahead, watching Savannah and Harry laugh with each other while Elsie's words sunk in.

"Who told you all this? About Harry, I mean."

"Liam slipped up, told me about a couple other girls that Harry set his eyes on in the last couple of years. He hurt them so bad they never came back to camp." I bit my lip, letting all the information that was just thrown at me swish around in my brain.

"Ok, we'll keep an eye on them both, if we see any sign that he's about to make her do something she's gonna regret, we step in. Got it?"

"Got it." And just like she always did, she vanished. Elsie was known for her ninja like qualities, we tried to get her to wear a bell once but she threw it in the lake...long story.

And then, my feet lose contact with the ground "Up you go Warner, time to actually live your life." I squeal as Ashton squeezes my sides.

"Put me down you evil koala bear!"

"Ok." He does as I say, placing my sneaker clad feet on the very edge of the cliff, with his arms wrapped around my waist from behind."Time to face your fears." He whispers in my hair.

"I swear to God, if you let me fall Irwin I-"

"I'm not gonna let you fall, Hav. I just think it's time you enjoy the view." There was a secret meaning behind his words that my defensive side wanted to make a joke out of. But my conscience told me not to.

We watched the the campers run around, doing their separate activities. His hands still wound around my waist, his breath tickling my cheek.

I turned my head slightly, just so I can see his profile. He looks into my eyes, examining them "Still scared of falling?"

I turn away from him, looking back down at the other teens.

You have no idea, Koala. You have no idea.

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