3.) Somewhere in Neverland

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|So here we go again, wishing we could start again. |


It had finally come, time to go back to camp Arbre! I hated that camp; the food was terrible, the cabins were always cold at night, I came home with thousands of bug bites, and being clear across the country from my family for four weeks made me super nervous. So why was I going back? Easy, to see my three best friends in the entire world!

Me, Elsie, Savannah, and Haven all met during our freshman year at camp Arbre, since it was our first year, we all had to go through this long ass initiation with this annoying counselor who made us complete dumb tasks, and long story short Haven cussed the dude out and bam! Friendship! After that, the four of us were pretty much inseparable, aside from the fact that we all lived thousands of miles from each other in separate parts of the country. So that's why I go back to this camp every year, even if it means I have to fly by my self from Seattle, Washington clear across the country to Augusta, Maine.

It was raining that morning, typical Seattle, and as soon as I stepped outside my perfectly curled hair that I had spent thirty minutes turned to frizz. I reached back fastening it into a ponytail, I didn't really care what I looked like at that moment I was just ready to get my 6 hour plane ride over with and finally be reunited with my friends. I could already hear Haven shouting

"I missed you guys so fucking much!"

We live about fifteen minutes from the Seattle airport, and as soon as we pulled into the parking lot I felt my stomach tying itself in knots. Did I mention I'm terrified of flying? These girls better appreciate how much I love them, I fly across the country for them every year.

I make my way across the parking lot, my dad beside me and my five ton suitcase trailing noisily behind me. We sit and wait for about thirty minutes, a strange mixture of excitement and anxiety running through me.

"Flight 366 to Augusta is now boarding at gate 17." finally rings through the loudspeakers. I hug my dad, fling my worn out gray backpack over my shoulder and make my way towards gate 17

"Love you, Gwen! Have fun!" My dad calls out as I walk. Camp Arbre, here I come!

I board the plane and make my way to an empty seat towards the back. I lean back in my chair and try to mentally prepare myself for the 10 hour journey ahead of me.

When we finally land in Kansas City I race out of the plane immediately, and head to the front.

"I've got a flight booked to Augusta." I tell the lady at the desk. She glares down at me and starts typing, without out saying a word.

"Yeah, that flights delayed about an hour, you're gonna have to wait. "

"That can't be right!" I shout. "It's June! What could delay a flight!? Listen I'm on my way to summer camp, I really need to get there!"

"Well what do you expect me to do?" The lady snaps back. I sigh and make my way towards the waiting area, she's right there's nothing anyone can do about it.

I decide to text all my friends just so they know why I'm late.

Hey guys, one of my flights is delayed so I'm gonna be a few hours late getting to camp. Save me a top bunk! Love you guys.

When none of them replied, and I realized it's 6am in Maine and all of them are probably either flying or asleep.

So I decided to text my Friend Luke, he was pretty much my only other friend at camp, him and his friends had kind of befriended us, mainly because of our mutual hate for some of the popular kids at the camp. I really became friends with Luke freshman year when me, Haven, Savannah, and Elsie were gonna go white water rafting. I was scared to go so I stayed behind on the dock to wait for the girls to get back, and Luke somehow talked me into going with him.

I didn't expect him to reply either because they were probably flying too, it's a pretty long way from Australia.

I'm on my way, can't wait to see you again. I'll probably be a few hours late because my freaking flight got delayed.

He replied within the next five minutes.

Well that sucks. I'm so excited to see you, this year's gonna be insane!

I didn't have time to reply to that, because my flight finally arrived.

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