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Elwyn's P.O.V.

"Hey, look. It's the pig. I didn't know pigs existed in human form. Did you?" Kenan sneered as I walked past. Kenan was the next Beta, and he would step up once Nolen, the next Alpha of the Lumiere Pack, does. I simply kept quiet and glared at them. In a flash, I was in the choke hold of Nick. The five of them, Nolen, Kenan, Tier, Nick, and Killian were always together, and were known as the "popular group".

"Don't ever look at us like that again, human. You're beneath us, so act like it, you worthless scum," Nick growled.

I struggled to breathe as he held me against the wall, feet off the ground and his hand wrapped around my neck.

"Okay, okay, let me go!" I choked out.

He threw me onto the ground and spat on me. The others just laughed as they looked on.

"You're not allowed outside your room for the rest of the day. That also means no dinner. You can afford to lose all that fat, anyway," Nolen sneered, his arms folded across his chest as he looked down at me in disgust.

I tried to get up, but Nolen kicked me in the stomach, causing me to fall again.

"I didn't hear your acknowledgement, or give you permission to stand," he growled.

I gritted my teeth in humiliation.

"Yes, Alpha," I ground out, trying to keep my voice even and my tears at bay.

"Good," he turned to walk off, "Once I step up, there will be no such thing as humans or pigs in the Lumiere Pack."

His gang hollered and cheered at his words as they disappeared down the hall.


I managed to get back to my room after some difficulty, and finally let my tears fall. I angrily brushed them away, frustrated at myself and the world. I didn't ask to be like this. Most werewolves have their first shift at the age of 14 or 15. In a few days, I would be 18, and I'm not even sure if I'm really a werewolf. I haven't had my first shift, haven't experienced enhanced anything, haven't heard the voice of my wolf, or any indication that she was there to begin with. To make matters worse, I was plumper than what "fit" and "slim" would define. Sure, I exercised regularly, but it didn't exactly help at all. I was still big sized and there was nothing I could do about it.

The entire pack shunned and ostracised me, even the current Alpha and my parents. They all blamed me for being me. Everyone knows I'm being bullied and everyone knows who is bullying me. But everyone doesn't care. It's always "deal with it yourself, we have other bigger problems". I don't understand how Nolen's father, the current Alpha, can allow Nolen to just throw his weight around like he owns the world. I had to call him 'Alpha', but he wasn't even one. Heck, he wasn't even close to one!

Tier will be Nolen's adviser, and I don't know how he can, when he can't even tell right from wrong. From what I know, Tier's family, the Moon family, have been advisers since forever. Something about their blood being blessed by an Angel Wolf or something. Nolen steps up in about two weeks. If I don't shift by then, I'm just going to end it there. If I do, I'm leaving this shit hole. I've had enough.


It's finally my birthday. I feel a little weird; there's an unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach but it's kind of not there either. I looked in the mirror and stared for a while more. My normally black hair was now a pretty golden brown. Okay, which shit head decided it would be a good idea to do this? What kind of sick prank is this?? Dying my hair while I was asleep?

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