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Elwyn's P.O.V.

We packed all our clothes, since we weren't sure how long we'd be staying at the Lumiere Pack. Kaede and Gabriel took one of the cars, while Cailin, Shea and I took the other. Surprisingly, us girls only had one luggage each, while Kaede had two and Gabriel had three.

No one else could fit into their car after all their luggage went in, so the three of us took the other car together. I was sitting in the back seat with Cyrus while Shea drove and Cailin rode shotgun. Cyrus's head was in my lap and I scratched it, trying to distract myself.

"How exactly is this going to work? He's your freaking mate. You can't possibly run forever, right?" Cailin asked, turning to look at me.

I sighed, "I don't know, okay? I never thought I'd have to return to that pack one day. I don't really feel like thinking about this right now."

Cailin gave me the look and said, "Girl, he's your mate. He rejected you. You hate him. You can't just go into the warzone without a strategy! We've got seven hours to do this. Let's do it right."

Shea chuckled, her honey-amber eyes sparkling with amusement, "I vote for the 'Cold Shoulder' plan. The 'Invisibility' plan sounds good too."

Cailin thought for a while, and pitched in, "I think playing hard to get is the best. How about all three plans together?"

"Easier said than done, people. I just... I'm scared, okay? I mean, it's not very possible, but with my wolf and the bond and everything, I'm scared that I would just forgive him. It's not easy to keep hating on your mate, you know. Despite his rejection, I still feel some kind of... attraction to him. It's weird but I can't help it. I'm scared that when I see him, I'll just forget that I hate him," my voice quietened to a whisper and Cailin sat back properly into her seat. We lapsed into silence.

"Well," Cailin said a few minutes later, turning back and clapping her hands, breaking the silence, "Just be yourself, then. Playing by ear is always fun too. It's what we're good at anyway. If he upsets you, you can just get Cyrus to set him on fire."

Shea and I laughed at that. Cailin always knew how to diffuse awkward and tense atmospheres. Almost as good as Gabriel, but Gabriel was still better, what with his fabulous-ness and all.

Just then, Cailin froze, still looking at me. Her hands gripped into the seat and her emerald green eyes were now ringed with purple. They seemed to stare right through me, looking at me, but not quite.

"What do you see?" I asked. It was like a trigger question for her to start seeing major visions. She'd once explained it to us, saying that everything is blurry until she hears the question "what do you see" and everything clears up.

"Blood. A lot of blood. Grass. A field. Wolves. Dead bodies. I see... I see... A Ghost...? Walking away. Away from us."

Cailin's eyes focused back and the ring of purple faded away.

"Pull over. Pull over NOW," Cailin ordered.

Shea quickly complied and Cailin rushed out of the car, throwing up whatever was in her stomach onto the grass beside the road and continued to dry heave. I went up to her, offering the water bottle I had in my hand. Cailin gargled quickly and washed her face as well.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

She nodded, coughing a little, "Let's get back on the road. I'm okay now."

We went back in and waited for her to start explaining her vision. She let out a sigh and started, "It was absolutely horrifying. There was so much blood. Dead bodies everywhere. I would describe it as a war. I'm not sure, it might just as well be one. It's this fight. The Lumiere Pack and the rogues. It feels... recent? I can't pinpoint a specific time. Both sides suffer lots of casualties. This is probably the aftermath. No one's fighting anymore, and a Ghost leaves with the rogues. I'm really not sure, it faded in and out, I couldn't even see anyone's faces."

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