Out of Commission

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"They fused back together? What happened out there?"

"He was never a bat to begin with, Stella. The whole thing was a lie. They've gone into shock, but I'm scared of what they might do whenever Ender or Enzefer wakes up from it. To know now that Azazel was just some sponge for Navomi...".

Ender lay motionless, his blood boiling and tail swaying briskly. He wanted to get up and find Navomi to take out his anger, but Enzefer wouldn't allow him to move.

"You know as well as I do that it won't work, Ender! If we go, we'll die!"

"It'll be worth it then, if I can take him with me," came his sharp growl.

"You can't do it alone, and I'm not willing to fight him again," Arthur whispered, aware of the pain he felt. "At least, not yet anyway. Didn't you hear what he did to me when I tried it? He knows more than you expect." After a few minutes of silence, he added, "Well, we might as well rest, we're out of commission for the time being. Azazel's taking a mental toll on you right now, and I wish we could help, but that's between you three." Ender wanted to argue, but knew he spoke the truth. As they began to rest again, voices began to be heard again.

"...So what do you think might happen if Ender has control first?"

"Knowing he'll be pissed as hell, anything and everything to get to one of them. Enzefer, I'm not sure about though..."

"Luna, Lucile, Lucas, whenever you're ready to help against Navomi, let Sonui know. She's more than ready to kill if needed."

"...Hasn't Enzefer been under his influence before? Couldn't that be a problem?"

"Indirectly, only through Azazel. I still can't believe that bastard went that far when he was done with Enzy. If he can't bring himself to do it...

...I'll kill him instead."

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