Chapter 17 : We Sit Through A Awkward Car Ride

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This was not how I wanted to spend my midnight.

After getting in a fight with Priscilla I went to go blow off some steam in the woods but accidentally caught Spencer bringing her parents back from the dead. 

Seems like I ruined the family moment and now I was running back to Camp.

"Styx." I kept saying to myself over and over again as I glanced behind me seeing a wolf catching up to me.

" I kept saying to myself over and over again as I glanced behind me seeing a wolf catching up to me

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"Crap ! " I said to myself as the wolf jumped and landed on top of me.

But the wolf changed when it jumped.

I laid on the ground as I noticed Spencer was now on top of me.

"Spencer ?" I said confused.

She got off of me as she held the same cloak that was she was wearing before tightly. I could tell she was naked.

"Are you crazy. I almost killed you !" she shouted to me as I sighed and asked "When the heck could you do that ?"
"Since forever !" she yelled to me.

"I thought you were a monster so I became a wolf."

"Well I'm glad you didn't killed me." I told her as I got up. "Beside that, What the heck were you just doing ?"

"I was talking to my parents. I do it every Sunday Night ! It's the only time I can see them."

"So that's why you were baking cookies early ?" I asked her as she said "No duh ! They were my mother favorite."

Spencer sighed as she sat down on a log as I sighed and sat down next to her.

"Now since were asking question. Why were you in the woods at 12:00 at night ?"

I sighed and said "Because me and Priscilla got into a fight and I came here to blow off stem."

"You and Coral Brain got into a fight. About what ?" she asked.

"It's was about Reed. It was stupid." I told her.

"So your just jealous of her relationship with him ?-"
"Why does everyone think I'm jealous !"

Me shouting that caused lighting to rumbled as Spencer said "Chill Lighting Face."

I took in a deep breath and said "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. But why arguing over something so petty ?"

"I don't know really." I told her as I crossed my knees.

"Come on let's get back to Camp. It's 1:20 and I'm pretty sure Lou Ellen worried about me."

"Ok." I told her as we both walked back to Camp.

Once we got back Spencer waved goodbye and walked towards Cabin 20.

Me on the other head walked towards Cabin 1.

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