Chapter 31: Me and Priscilla Play The Game Of Two Truths And One Death

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Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face.

Yesterday night was rough, not for me but for Zoe.

I told her how I really felt. My true feeling about how I viewed our friendship.

I always was the quiet one out of all The Big Three kids. I would rarely voice my own opinion on things and just let the others talk. But I knew I needed to stop that bad habit.

Did I really mean all those thing I said to Zoe ? I really don't know. I was very angry yesterday night. I guess thirteenth year old Priscilla wanted to come back.

People assumed me to be the nice kind gentle sound I am now, but when I was getting close to my teenager years I use to be a feisty and short tempered.

I have no idea what caused me to act this way, probably was all the stuff going on at home and because of the bullying I went through.

Oh Yeah, I used to get bullied in middle school. Did I deserve it ? No. Their was a certain group of girls who just loved to pick with me all because of my sea scent hair, my whole class gave me the nickname "Fish Face." and "Putrid Priscilla."

The whole school found out about the nickname and would get any chance they had to just pick on me.

I remember one time during swimming class a girl in my class name Isabella decide it would be a idea to push me in the pool. Luckily, I'm a really good swimmer and I didn't drown but I was pretty shaky after that day.

The name calling, the physical bullying made my middle school life a living nightmare.

I don't get angry but when I do get angry,  I would be consumed by rage. It would pulsed through my veins. And I couldn't even breathe I would be so angry.

I would be so angry. I would say every word in curse book, I threaten people, punch walls, I don't remember things, and I like to threw things.

After one meeting. When Percy was out sword training. I was so angry I punched gray stone, good thing I'd calm down fast enough to put a photo over the wall.

My mom tends to call me The "She-Hulk."

Anyway, I remember it was prom night. I remember I was wearing a short blue dress with gold designs. During the dance, The group of girls decided they wanted to try and fight me. 

I did my best and try and yell for someones help but nobody hear me because of the loud music being played, they even went all the way to pour fish guts on me.

Fish Guts. I remember everybody was laughing at me even teachers. I was so embarrassed and hurt I did my best to try and leave but the jocks blocked the door and I was to weak to push them back. 

They video recorded me and posted it everywhere. I believe it was still on Instagram.

All the events leading up to this one moment. The bullying, the torture, the name calling soon became overcoming rage. So bad it was to the point I was shaking and I could barely breathe. 

My blood boiling with it. I then set off my powers causing all the punch to explode one by one. I also remember the kids being so scare of me, some screaming and yelling and pushing to get out of the way.

All I could recall was being covered in fish guts and I was the only person left in the building. I was scared and I couldn't believe I did it.

And that how I got expelled from Northview Middle School.

One part of me felt guilty and another part of me didn't really care. They deserved it. All of them.

Due to all of this, the school consular decided I was a troubled kid and so they sended me to Yancy.

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