Chapter 33 : Thalia Gambles With The Beach People

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"A Beach Day ?" Zoe asked me confused.

Ever since me and Zoe got back on the same page, I wanted to catch up with her. And what better way than having a beach vacation.

"You know I have no clue how to swim right ?"

"That's doesn't matter, decides were all going to have fun."

"Yeah that's a great idea, a group of reckless demigods with monsters chasing them at a public beach." Alex added as I said "Oh come on. Let's get off the road and Let's hop into the water."

"And  were no where near a beach." Nico added on his bed as Thalia added "We aren't that fair from Miami beach." as I gave a smile.

"No." Alex said firmly as I groaned and said "Come on. It will be a blast," as Henry sighed and said "You know we could get away from all this monsters drama, how about a little beach fun ?"

"Thank you Henry." as Phoenix step in and said "And I could prepare a mean BBQ."

"See Zoe, There's going to be food." I told her more convincing since Zoe's weakness was anything edible and anything that smelt delicious.

"But what about the quest ?" Leona asked as Phoenix rose up and said "Quest later, Beach Day now."

"This is stupid." Alex said with dryness as I rolled my eyes and said "What's wrong Alex ? You could use a tan." as she rolled her eyes at me in the rear view and gave me her middle finger.

"Beach Day, Beach Day." me and Phoenix chanted as Phoenix held a beach ball in her hand as Zoe took in a sigh and said "Heck why not." as me and Phoenix squealed.

Alex groaned in the driver seat as she smile and added "We don't have any swimming suit. So we can't go."

I smiled and held up a bag as Alex narrowed and said "Oh {she says f word}


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑~𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑



I had to say the beach wasn't that bad.

I know it didn't have the same effect on me like how It had on Priscilla. She was amazed.

Miami Beach was beautiful and there were many people. The Majestic deep blue ocean shined in the light along with the white foam and the sun which shine so bright it made the sand look like tiny jewels along with the seashells scattered around and the seagulls flying above.

You could hear all types of sound. Like the waves crashing against the shore, the seagulls screeching and the wind blowing lightly. It smelled like seaweed and salt water and I could feel the humid sea air.

Honestly I felt so munch more claimer, this quest had made me so stress and the sea was taking that away slowly.

I had to say It looked like the others were relaxed to. Priscilla took in a deep breath as she turned to me and asked "It's calming isn't it ?"

"It's like saltwater heaven." I told her as she chuckled as she added "Your bathing suit looks nice on you."

Priscilla was able to get me into a bathing suit after munch ranting and arguing {and even wrestling} she got me into navy blue strapped swimsuit with black flip flops as my hair golden honey hair was down. 

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 3~ The Trail of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now