Chapter 35 : Rachel Paints The Panting Of The Future and Sister Castellan

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"This is stupid." I told Nico and Henry

After my "moment." with Phoenix, I didn't know how to feel anymore. Of course I'd like Phoenix for weeks now and I thought we were very close and we are but after our "moment." she stopped hanging around me.

I understood it, she didn't like me back and I'd accepted that. But I did enjoy our kiss, and I hoped she enjoyed it to.

So I told Nico that I was gay and he of course didn't have a problem with it, him being gay himself, and he thought I should tell Will, since he always knew what to say. Nico asked me if anyone else knew, I told him only Henry and my mom {who of course didn't expected me, that's why she called me a spawn of the devil}

I'd didn't tell them about how I didn't kissed Phoenix, I didn't want them going around telling the others. I wasn't ready to come out to them yet, I needed a couple of more time.

Henry woke me up around 8:00 so we could call Will and ask for his advice also it was around the time where the others were fast asleep including Phoenix who looked very cute as she slept hugging her pillow.

I'd just looked like I'd woken up to, my auburn hair was all over my head and I was dressed in my black oversize hoodie which I'd decide to wear since I'd cut myself again, they were fresh to since I'd did them last night. One from the beach vacation, another for feeling like a awful sister, and a third one for what happened with Phoenix.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as Nico said "It's not stupid it's business." as he was dialing Will's number which I'd noticed he had him under the contact name "My Sunny Boy 💛" which I'd find quite cute since I'd know they made a good couple.

"There's no reason to do this." I groaned to the two as Henry looked up and said "It is very important, what better why to get some advice from two gay boys." as Nico looked up and narrowed his eyes as I adjust my black hoodie on my head.

"Ok, so how long have you been-"

"Gay ?" I asked as he nodded and said "16 years."

"Long period of time." as he ruffled his hair up which is when Will answered the phone on face time.

The Son of Apollo was of course already awake since Apollo kids for some reason loved waking up early, he was wearing a Camp Hoodie, with shorts and neon yellow converses as he had a cup of coffee in his hands as he smiled when he saw Nico.

"Well good morning Sunshine." Will told Nico causing him to blush hard as he groaned and said

"Really isn't only 8:00 and you're causing me to blush ?"

"You look cute when you blush." as Nico gave a slit smile as he asked

"How's camp ?" as he sighed and said "Same old Camp, Sick campers, hot summer weather, and lot's of coffee." as he sipped his coffee mug which I'd noticed say "Trust Me I'm A Doctor." as it was also yellow.

"That sounds fun." Nico said as Will asked "So how your quest going ?"

"Fine, been full of monsters though, which isn't a good thing, but that isn't the reason why I'd call."

"Then what's the reason Death Breath ?"

"Don't freak out about this {even though I know you will} but turns out our dear lovely Alex isn't a straight noddle."

Will rose a brow then realized what his boyfriend said "Are you telling me she's-" Nico nodded as Will smile grew as he squealed loud like a huge girl causing me and Henry eyes to go wide as Nico said "WILL ?!" as he smiled and said "I know, but holy Hades she's like us !"

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