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(A/N): It's a little short and boring, but I promise it will get better!


Stanley laid on his bed and was trying to relax, but he couldn't. His metal bed frame had started to irritate him. In fact, all metal had started to irritate him and it was all he could ever focus on. He wondered if he was a mutant, but nothing had happened except metal feeling like a part of him. Stanley shot out of bed and ran down the stairs. It was all too much, he needed to clear his head.

"Stan, where are you going?" Andrea asked.
"For a walk, I need some air."
"Be back before dinner."
"Okay mom."

He left out the front door and seeing his metal bike made him cringe. He shrugged it off and turned, not seeing that it had fallen over. He walked down the footpath, not really sure where he as headed. He clenched his fists as he felt the metal cars, lampposts and fences. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a scream.

"What is wrong with me!" He yelled.

He heard loud crashes and cars beeping around him. His eyes shot open and what he was was terrifying. All the lampposts has bent over towards him, the fences had fallen over and the cars were crushed.

"Wh-what..." he stammered, not wanting to believe what he was seeing, "did I...do that?"

Stanley raised his hand and held it towards one of the lampposts. He pictured it bending over the other way and surely enough, it slowly began to move. He stepped backwards and held his hands close to his chest.

"I can't...I can't be...no..."


Bill was reading when he heard a scream followed by crashes and car alarms. He dropped his book and ran over to the window to find a boy he recognised from school hyperventilating. Bill pressed his fingers to his temple and started intently down at the boy who's name he didn't know.

"I'm a mutant", the boys voice echoed through his mind, "but I can't be, mom will kill me."

He had only talked to him once, but his heart was breaking for him. Bill remembered being in his position. Finding out he has a mutation, scared of not being accepted...scared of them finding out. Maybe he could help him. Maybe he could help him love his mutation the way Bill loved his. Bill searched through the boys memories a little bit more and found out a tiny bit about him.

Jewish, seventeen, likes birds, can manipulate metal, only child...

He felt as if he was invading his privacy and let go of his mind. The boy who's name he still hadn't learnt attempted to move a lamppost and when he did, he staggered slightly before running away from the mess he'd made. Bill smiled to himself before returning to his reading.

I'm not the only mutant at school.


Stanley ran until his throat was scratchy and he could barely breathe. His eyes were filled with tears and his hands were shaking. He found himself standing outside of Richie Tozier's house. He knocked and waited. After a few moments the door swung open revealing his best friend.

"Stan? You look like you've seen a ghost, come in."

Stanley didn't even say anything. He just stepped inside and followed Richie up to his bedroom. Once they were sitting in there with the door shut, Richie sat him down and asked what was going on.

"Do you have any loose change?" Stanley asked.
"Should I be concerned?"

The trashmouth fished a quarter out his pocket and handed it to Stanley. Stanley placed it down on the mattress and looked at it intently. He felt the quarter as if it was a part of him. He put out a hand and flicked his wrist upwards. The coin shot up into the air. It fell back and and Stanley used his newfound ability to place it back on the mattress.

"You're a mutant," Richie looked at him wide eyed.
"I...I just realised...I didn't know here else to go-"
"It's okay because what you just did was fucking sick! Can you do that with anything else?"
"Only metal, I think. I kinda destroyed my street, um, like all the cars and streetlights and shit. I'm scared."
"Scared that I'm going to get caught...you know that they did to Betty Ripsom and her brother."
"They won't find out."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I won't let them."
"Are...are you a mutant?"
"I don't think so. If I am, I haven't figured out my mutation yet."

Richie could see the worry and fear plastered on Stanley's face.

"You're going to be okay, I promise."
"You can't promise that."
"Well, of course I can."
"And how are you going to ensure that I will be okay."
"My lips are sealed."
"Thank fuck."
"Hey!" Richie threw his pillow at Stanley.

Stanley laughed and threw the pillow back at Richie.


Stanley was nervous for school. He didn't want to accidentally reveal his ability. The lockers were metal and he was scared he'd get a beating from Bowers and they would fold the way the lampposts did. He tried not to think about it.

As he walked down the street he'd ruined previously, there were many news reporters. They'd already figured out that it was a mutant and now there was a manhunt for him or her. Them. They were looking for him. He was dazed and lost in his thoughts when a familiar boy bumped into him.

"Hey," he boy whispered, "you d-did this, didn't y-you?"
"Who's asking?"
"Bill. Bill Denbrough. And d-d-don't bother l-l-lying to me. I saw y-you and," he tapped his temple, "I h-have telepathy."

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