
539 20 13

TW: mentions of abuse and torture. murder and threatening.
(A/N): this chapter is a little shorter then the others, but i hope you enjoy :)


MHA. Mutant Hunting Association. They've been out for Bill for years. When he was born, his mutation was so strong that he'd already started showing signs in the hospital. The Denbrough's were lucky to have the doctors they did or he would've been taken away, but this didn't stop the MHA from finding out. Whispers had travelled through the hospital and their town for years and when Bill turned eight, it finally reached the MHA. It didn't take long for them to find him and when they did, they took him.

He suffered torture that he still hadn't come to terms with. It was so unspeakable not even his mother knew the full story. The worst thing that the MHA ever did to him though, was murder his father. Bill was never the same after what happened to him in that building and nine years later he was still suffering.

Bill sat in the corner of the dark room. He couldn't see anything and there were no lights. He shook profusely and tears fell down his cheeks. He had attempted to call for help, but nothing had been working. Every time he spoke he would stutter causing him to stress and not be able to finish his sentences. He was terrified. He had no idea where he was, but he knew he wasn't safe.

He dug his fingers into his hair and sobbed loudly. He felt an anger he'd never felt before rising in his chest. He'd been taken against his will and held in a cage like an animal. He couldn't take it. Not one moment more. He threw his arms down and screamed. The door across the room from him shook violently. Whatever was in the room with him collapsed and broke, he couldn't see, but he could hear it. His ears rang as his screams became louder. The shaking door crumbled to the floor allowing light into the room. He breathed heavily as he stood and sprinted towards the open frame. Bill ran as fast as his legs would take him down the hallway. Agents tried to restrain him, but when they got close, some sort of force would throw them back.

"Dad!" He screamed, straining his throat, "dad! Wh-where are y-you?"

Bill turned down a hallway to see his dad being restrained by Stryker with a gun pressed to his back.

"D-dad," he cried.

Zack turned his head to look at Bill.

"Go," he mouthed at him.

Bill was frozen in place. All the agents trying to get to him were still being thrown back. Zack tried to push Stryker away, but the second he did a loud gunshot echoed throughout the building. Zack's eyes widened as his legs crumbled beneath him. Blood oozed fast from his back as he fell onto the floor.

"Dad!" Bill screamed, causing the whole building to shake.
"Go, Bill, I love you," Zack said softly.
"I l-love you t-too," he whispered before turning and heading for the exit.

"Fuck you," Bill said coldly, "you can't just leave m-me alone, can you? My l-life is ruined b-because of what you did to me."
"You think I care?"

He was tied to a chair in the same room
he'd destroyed many years before. Stryker was stood in the far corner.

"Where's St-Stanley?"
"Your boyfriend-"
"He's not m-my boyfriend."
"He's in a lab down the hall being tested on. I suppose I could tell you everything seems as you're going to agree to my terms anyway."
"Don't hurt h-him you fucker."
Stryker tutted, "we might not have a choice. You know it was him that destroyed your street, don't you?"
"You have n-no proof th-that was him. H-He's not a mutant."
"Pennywise and Sitwell think different, son."
"I am not your son. You killed my father."

Stryker walked over and sat on the empty chair opposite him.

"You see, Bill. We've been watching you. Your mind is one of the strongest forces known to mankind and we can offer you a position here."
"I w-will never work f-for you."
"You haven't even heard the offer."
"I don't n-need to."
"We want you to work in our Cerebro department. You'll use your mind to find other mutants."
"Who's w-working in there at the moment?"
"My son."
"You have a son? Wh-what person in th-their right mind w-would sleep with you?"
"My son, Jason. Is a mutant. I tried to heal him and get rid of it, but instead of helping him, it made him more like you."
"You did that t-to your own s-son? You also do realise th-that the mutant gene comes f-from the dad. If you're n-not a mutant, then y-you carry the gene and w-would probably b-be able to access s-some type o-of mut-"
"Shut up!" He screamed as he stood.
"Th-that's just rude."
"I will never be disgusting like you."
"You're right. You'll al-always be weak and scared of the things y-you don't understand. I've b-been called a lot worse than disgusting. Try h-harder."

Stryker walked up to Bill and bent down next to him. He pressed his lips close to Bill's ear and whispered.

"If you don't comply to my terms, then we hurt your little boyfriend."
"Don't you fucking touch him!"
"You either take this job and let everyone you know and love think you're dead or we'll make you watch us slowly kill him."
"If you put a fucking finger on him I swear to god, I will hurt in ways that haven't even been invented yet."

Stryker ignored him and stood up. He walked over to the door in the far corner. He grinned at Bill.

"You have an hour to decide. The clock is ticking."

He walked out and locked the door behind him.

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