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(A/N): unedited and kinda messy, but i hope you like it :)


It had been exactly one week since the losers had formed and the only one who knew Eddie was Bill. Eddie told his mother something that the others were unaware of and she was keeping him home making sure he got better. Only Bill knew what it was as you couldn't really lie to him. They'd all decided to meet in the thick woods behind Bill's house and Bill was gonna use his ability to sneak Eddie out. Stanley and Beverly were the first ones there. They both sat indulging in quiet conversation waiting for the others to turn up.

"You're a mutant...right?" Beverly asked as she nervously toyed with the hem of her shirt.
"Yeah, why?"

She lifted her hand and flicked her wrist. A small flame appeared and began dancing around her wrist. It slowly made its way up to her finger tips and when it did, the flame began twisting and turning creating whatever shape Beverly wanted it to. It made a bird, a phoenix to be exact, then a cat, it mirrored one of the trees and then she flicked her wrist again, extinguishing the flame.

"That's so cool," Stanley stared wide eyed with a soft smile, "probably the coolest mutation I've ever seen."
"Thanks," Beverly smiled back.

Stanley would be lying to himself if he didn't think Beverly was beautiful. Her short fiery hair hung loosely by her ears which had many piercings. Freckles dotted her cheeks and nose. She had a perfect, warm, symmetrical smile with icy blue eyes. As beautiful as she was, Stanley didn't like her the way he felt himself liking for Bill. He'd never thought about dating anyone before, let alone the possibility that he was gay, but here he was falling for a boy he met a week prior.

Soon Richie arrived and the conversation was no longer quiet.

After a while of waiting, Stanley began practicing using his mutation with Richie's glasses. He unscrewed the tiny screw in the side and laid it down on a leaf using only his mind.

"Okay, now I've got to put it back in."
"That's what I said to your mom last night when she needed a break-"
"Beep beep Richie," Beverly rolled her eyes.

As Stanley screwed it back in, footsteps headed towards them. He froze and looked up only for him to notice it was Bill. He took a breath of relief and continued to screw the screw into Richie's frames.

"Hey," Bill smiled as he sat down next to Stanley, "g-guys, this is E-Eddie."

A small boy who was about up to Bill's shoulder gave everyone a warm smile as he sat down next to Richie. The trashmouth had gone bright red and seemed to be at a loss for words for the first time in years.

"I'm Beverly, but you can call me Bev."
"I'm Stanley, but call me Stan."
"I-I-I'm Ranch- Ri-Richie," Richie stammered as he nervously tapped his fingers on his knee.
"Nice to meet you Ranch Richie," Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ben will b-be here soon," Bill said.

Stanley held back laughter as Richie tried to take his eyes off the boy next to him. He'd never seen him like this before, but he knew he was definitely head-over-heels for this boy he met two seconds ago. Richie rubbed his hands along his face, pushing his glasses up. He leant his elbows on his knees and just sat like that, unmoving.

"Look at what you guys did," Ben sat next to Beverly, "you broke trashmouth."
"It wasn't us," Stanley answered, "it was Eddie."
"I didn't even do anything!" Eddie exclaimed.
"You smiled at him."
"Okay," Bill interjected, changing the topic, "I c-could just r-read all your kinds and f-find out your mutations th-that way, but Stan s-said no...so spill."

Beverly reignited the flame on her wrist and let it dance up the hand the way she had when showing Stanley. Ben went invisible, crept behind Bill and scared the shit out of him. Stanley pulled the metal off of Richie's shoelace and threw it at his face that was covered by his hands. Eddie complained about not wanting to get up, so he didn't show off which just left Richie. He took his face out of his hands and bought his knees up to his chest.

"I'm not a mutant," he shrugged.
"Bullshit," Bill crossed his arms.
"It's true!"
"Then d-do you mind if I...?" He pressed two fingers against his temple.
"Not at all."

Bill looked at Richie and managed to penetrate his mind...oh god was it a scary place. The first things he came across were shitty mom jokes and an image of Eddie. After digging a little deeper he found it...the part where his mutated gene was attached to his brain. He figured out his mutation and then let go of his mind.

"Find nothing, Billy Boy?" Richie smirked, "that's what I thought."
"I want to n-n-never read your m-mind again. That sh-shit was terrifying!"
"Avoiding the question?" Stanley asked, remembering his conversation with Bill in the library.

Bill didn't answer and neither did Richie. Instead Richie's face changed from a smirk to a shocked and confused expression.

I found it, your mutated gene, Bill's voice echoed through Richie's mind.

"Wh-what is it?" Richie stammered.

The others looked on confusion.

"Um...what?" Beverly asked.

Voice and appearance manipulation. I don't know how long it will be dormant, but it should start showing soon.

Richie just nodded. A pair of footsteps headed towards the group and everyone looked anxiously around except Bill and Stanley. They'd invited Mike to meet them too. He smiled at them and sat down next to Stanley.

"Hey guys, um, I'm Mike. Stan and Bill invited me. Don't worry, I'm a mutant too."

Everyone said various 'hellos' to Mike and introduced themselves. When they were all sitting there together, it just felt right. It felt like they were meant to be with one another. Stanley sat there wondering where these people had been his entire life. He'd never felt so at home.

After a few hours of hanging out, they'd all spread out along the forest, almost as if they'd been assigned to do partner work. Beverly and Ben were sitting with Mike, Richie and Eddie were conversing quietly occasionally arguing and Stanley was laying next to Bill, staring up at the leaves.

"Wh-what are y-you thinking about?" Bill asked.
"Can't you just read my mind?"
"I p-promised I wouldn't," he smiled.

Stanley turned his head and smiled at the boy. He focused on all his features and felt his heart skip a beat. His deep green eyes were stunning, literally, Stanley was stunned. A few freckles, not too many, were scattered across his pale cheeks. He had plump pink lips curved up in a slight smile with a soft blush plastered in between his freckles. He was gorgeous.

"I'm wondering where all of you have been my entire life."
"Same. I wish I kn-knew you guys e-earlier."

Stanley relaxed and listening to the soft rustling of the leaves above him. His friends quiet chatter almost hidden by the wind brushing by his ears. For the first time in forever, he felt peaceful. True serenity.

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