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TW: mentions of abuse, death and sexual abuse. child neglect.


Richie drove Stanley home from the hospital. His parents hadn't even bothered to visit him at least once. Stanley didn't even want to go home. He knew his parents would yell at him about the hospital bill and will ground him. They didn't know that him and Bill were connected so he wondered how they thought his mutation caused this. They didn't care about his wellbeing, especially after finding out he was a mutant.

"You have to go in, Stan," Richie told him.
"I know...just give me a minute."
"You said that ten minutes ago."
"I'm scared, Richie and don't promise me anything because you do remember what happened last time you did that?"
"That wasn't my fault, Eddie and I were down the bottom of the quarry! If I was up there I totally would've kicked their asses."

Stanley rolled his eyes and let out a smal laugh.

"I don't say this enough, but you're a good friend, Rich. As much as I love hanging out with the others, I missed it just being us."
"You day I'm a good friend, but you're the one whose been putting up with my bullshit since pre-school. In all seriousness, I missed it just being us too."

The two boys leant across and hugged each other tight. No matter what, they were best friends and always had been . Nothing could take that away from them, ever. They pulled away and smiled at each other.

"If you really don't want to go in then you're free to come back to mine."
"No thank you, don't really feel like hearing you and Eddie," Stanley wiggled his eyebrows at Richie.
"You make jokes about me and Betty all the time, let me have this one."
"I believe the correct english is Betty and I."
"Oh whatever."
"Call me if you wanna get out of there," Richie smiled.
"Expect a call real soon," Stanley shrugged.

They hugged once last time for good measure.

"See you around, Rich, thanks for bringing me home."
"No big deal, see ya Stanley the Manley."

Stanley smiled at him and climbed out the car. He fiddled with his hospital bracelet as he walked up to his front door. He waved at Richie and held his door handle. Before he could turn it, the door opened. His father stood there with his arms crossed.

"Can I help you?" He asked.
"Um...dad? I live here?" Stanley responded in a small voice.

Donald slammed the door on his face. Stanley staggered backwards and furrowed his brows in confusion. He tried to turn the handle, but it was locked.

"Mom!" He called, "dad!"

Stanley knocked and waited for a few seconds. He heard nothing and no one came to the door. Stanley rested his head on the door and closed his eyes. He breathed in and held it for a moment before letting out a long shaky breath.

"I'm sorry...I can get a job and pay for the bill if you want," he said softly.

Still, no one answered. Stanley felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his best friend. He didn't hesitate to hug Richie and rest his head down on his shoulder. Richie hugged him back and Stanley squeezed tighter. He let out a strangled sob he hadn't even realised was forming in his throat, which was followed by tears. Stanley buried his face into Richie's shoulder, knowing he wouldn't mind his shirt getting wet.

"It's okay, you can stay at mine," Richie whispered.


Betty, Beverly and Mike were all at Beverly's house. Her father was out until tomorrow meaning she could have people over without him knowing.

Alvin Marsh was unhinged. That was the only way to put it. When Beverly's mother, Elfrida Marsh, passed away he turned into a completely different person. He was no longer the nice caring father Beverly once knew. He was abusive. Only physically sometimes, but most of the time it was emotional. He constantly blamed her for her mother's death and made her feel ashamed just for being a woman. Once when he was drunk, tried to take advantage of her and she hit him with the toilet lid. They never talked about it again. She always felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders when he told her he was going away for the weekends.

"What you did to help Bill was pretty cool," Betty told Beverly, "I don't think I would've been able to."
"Eddie would've done it if he knew when the last time Bill brushed his teeth was," she mumbled.
"You gotta give yourself more credit,"
Mike said, "you saved his life."
"Mmm," was all she responded with.

Betty furrowed her brows. Mike and he'd exchanged a glance as they noticed Beverly was disassociating herself. They both walked over and grabbed a hand each. She looked up and gave them both a sad smile.

"Something's bothering you," Betty frowned.
"That whole thing just reminded me of my mom...I was the one who found her. She had a heart attack and died before the ambulance got here. That's the reason why I even learnt first aid because if I have known I might've been able to help her."
"You have to know that's not your fault," Mike spoke softly.
"Yeah, that's not your fault. Bev, you saved Bill and Stan. Without you they both would be gone."
"Dad reminds me about her everyday...he lets me know it's my fault. If Eddie never showed up then I would've let them both go...you guys know that."
"But you didn't. You kept going. You are so strong, Beverly Marsh and should be proud of what you did," Mike squeezed her hand."
"You guys are the best."

She took her hands away and hung them around their shoulders.

"You're the best," she said quietly, holding them close.


"Mother and father dearest!" Richie called, "I have returned with Sir Staniel!"
"King Richard the first, we are in the kitchen!" She called back.

Richie grinned at Stanley who was holding back a laugh.

"They put up with your bullshit?"
"They have no choice."

The two boys walked into the kitchen to find Wenworth and Maggie Tozier. Wentworth was chopping vegetables as Maggie sat on the counter holding a cup of coffee.

"Mother dearest, that is cross contamination. Get off the counter ma'am."

She rolled her eyes and slipped off.

"I wish you never took that health class."

Richie's parents were young unlike the rest of the losers. Richie had been conceived at senior prom, meaning they were only seventeen and eighteen. They always tried their best to be the nest parents for Richie despite going in completely unprepared. They were both in their mid thirties and still full of life. Richie was one of the only losers with decent parents.

"Yet, you love it when I cook."
"Stan," Wentworth looked up, "are you staying over tonight?"
"Um...about that..." Stanley began.
"He might be here a little longer than one night, if that's okay," Richie interrupted.
"Is everything alright?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah my parents just kinda kicked me out because um...Richie..."
"Because he's a mutant," Richie finished.
"Oh honey."

Maggie put down her coffee and walked around towards Stanley. She embraced him.

"It's okay, Went and I are too. You're like family, stay as long as you like."
"Thank you, Mrs Tozier," Stanley whispered.
"Please, call me Maggie."

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