
812 19 43

(A/N): Unedited
TW: bullying


The walk to school had been filled with Stanley listening to Bill ramble on about how special his mutation was and the mutated genes. He barely knew him, but he already trusted him almost completely. After first period, they retreated to the library knowing that the only person that goes in there is a quiet kid named Ben who wouldn't tell a soul anything he heard. The pair were sitting on a table in the far corner. They were on opposite ends and Bill had some drawing sitting in front of him that he occasionally added a few lines or a bit of shading to.

"If we're going to be friends, we need ground rules," Stanley said.
"You m-make rules with a-all you're friends?"
"No. I just don't want you reading my mind without permission."
"D-do you have r-r-rules like this with R-Richie?"
"No? Why would I?"
"Oh, s-so you don't kn-know?"
"Know what?"
"I d-don't know if I sh-should say..." Bill smirked.
"Dude, cmon. Should I be worried about him?"
"No, of course n-not."
"Is he a mutant too?"
"Maybe," Bill winked.
"You're insufferable."
"You l-love me."
"In your dreams, Denbrough."

Bill rolled his eyes and leant back against his chair. He crossed his arms, but maintained his grin.

"I h-have no reason t-t-to read your m-mind. I already know a-all there is t-t-to know about y-you."
"Oh really? Like what?"
"Well you're Jewish, you're seventeen and you like watching birds."
"That's all you think you need to know? And isn't it obvious that I'm Jewish?" Stanley raised an eyebrow and gestured towards the kippah on his head.
"T-true, but I also kn-know all about y-y-your mutation," he said a little louder than intended.
"Keep your voice down!" Stanley said in a loud whisper.
"Wh-What's even saying th-that I'll agree to your terms?"
"Because I can tell you have a few metal fillings and I'm no mind reader like you, but I'm pretty sure you wanna keep them."
"So, you agree to only read my mind and search my memories with permission?"
"Shake on it?" Stanley asked as he held out his hand.

Bill took it and shook his hand. They made eye contact for a few moments longer than they probably should've. Bill gave Stanley a soft smile and he couldn't help, but smile back.

"Fuck he's pretty," was all Stanley could think, hoping that Bill wasn't reading his mind.

Their fingertips slipped apart and they leant back in their chairs. Both of them jumped out of their skin when Ben was all of a sudden standing next to them.

"Hey, I couldn't help, but overhear that you guys are mutants," he gave a friendly smile as he sat down.
"Don't tell anyone, please-" Stanley started, but was cut off by the chubby boy.
"Relax, I'm a mutant too. See."

Ben faded away and both Stanley and Bill stood up and backed away. After a few moments, Ben reappeared in the chair.

"Oh, and Bill, no reading my mind either."


After the next few periods, Stanley met Bill and Ben by the library entrance, then he led them to the part of the cafeteria where him and Richie would sit. Richie's face lit up when he saw him friend, but it quickly morphed into confusion as he noticed the others. They all sat down and Richie looked at them.

"Hi Staniel...and you guys are?"
"Richie, this is Bill and Ben. I met Bill on my way to school and Ben in the library."
"Ew, why were you in the library?"
"Bill and I were talking...about things."
"Oh," Richie nodded as he realised what Stanley meant, "nice to meet you Billiam and Bencil."

He gave off his signature goofy grin and Stanley rolled his eyes. Richie's face dropped as he noticed Bill staring at him. Stanley looked at Bill and kicked his leg under the table.

"No reading Richie's mind either."
"You're n-no fun."
"He's always a bit of a kill joy," Richie joked, "but don't read my mind, what the fuck!"
"Richie, keep it down," Ben said.
"Right. Now, if Staniel can alter metal and Billiam can read minds, what can you do, old chap?"
"I can go invisible."
"Pretty handy if you ask me."

Ben looked up and behind Richie's head. His crush, Beverly Marsh, a girl who was constantly bullied and tormented by the Bowers gang and Greta, was looking around nervously deciding where to sit. He felt bad.

"Guys, can we ask Beverly to sit with us? Look," he nodded up and they all turned to see her.
"Beverly!" Richie called.

She turned around startled and almost dropped her tray. Richie waved her over and she slowly headed towards them.

"You can sit with us," Ben blushed slightly.
"Thanks," she smiled as she sat down, "I don't think I've ever seen all of you guys together."
"Eddie is a-away," Bill shrugged, "I w-would've invited h-him to sit with u-us too i-if he was h-here."
"We're all losers," Richie grinned, "and now all the losers are sitting together!"
"Damn right we are," Beverly smiled back, "but minus Eddie of course."
"Well then," Richie slammed his hands down on the table, "welcome to the losers club you assholes. Also, how many of you are mutants?"

All of them kicked Richie's legs under the table.


Bill and Stanley were walking home together, as they lived in the same street. They watched as workmen and builders were attempting to fix the electrical lines, fences and streetlights. They laughed quietly to themselves before walking past as fast as they could. They were about to say goodbye to each other, but they heard a yelp from the tree's behind Bill's house. The pair immediately ran to see what was happening. A boy neither of them recognised was being pulverised by none other, but the Bowers gang. Stanley was about to lift the boys bike to throw it at them, but Bill pushed his hand down and then pressed his fingers to his temple. He tapped into Henry's mind and made him freeze. The gang watched in confusion as the slipped out from underneath him, climbed on his bike and rode towards the pair. Once the boy had passed them, Bill let go of his mind and Henry punched the grass.

"Wh-what?" He staggered, "where the fuck did he go!"

Even though the gang saw him ride off, they shrugged and pulled Henry into the woods. The two boys sighed in relief, but as they turned, the boy who they'd saved was standing behind them.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

Stanley and Bill looked at each other for a second before deciding that they could trust him. Bill tapped his temple the way he did when he introduced himself to Stanley.

"I h-have telepathy."
"That's so cool! Like he bald guy in those marvel comics!"
"Yeah," Bill has never really thought about it, "I'm B-Bill."
"I'm Stanley."

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