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tw: hospitals
(A/N): jason storyline's will be introduced in the next chapter!


Stanley walked in the crummy hospital room for the first time since Bill had woken (two weeks to be exact) and was immediately taken back on how different Bill looked. His face had filled out a bit and his eyes were no longer sunken. He wasn't as pale as before and his hands weren't shaking. What stood out to Stanley the most was his grey hair. When he had woken up two weeks ago, his hair was a soft auburn, but now there were prominent streaks of grey.

"Hey, Bill."
"Stan," Bill looked up and smiled, "hey."
"How are you feeling?" Stanley sat down next to the hospital bed.
"B-better than I w-was."
"That's good."
"You h-haven't come here f-for a while."
"They wouldn't let me in."

It was true. He'd come to see him everyday after school, but they wouldn't let him in because of Bills condition.

"H-how's school? Am I m-missing out o-on anything i-important?"
"Not really, you're fine. If you do go back, I can always help you."
"Don't have to thank me, no matter what I'll always be there for you."

Bill noticed Stanley kept glancing at his hair. He furrowed his brows.

"Is s-something wr-wrong?"
"Your hair...it's grey?"
"There are grey streaks in your hair...you didn't know?"
"No? I w-want to s-see."

Bill grabbed the IV pole and tried to stand. Stanley stood and held out his hand.

"Let me help."

Bill nodded and took his hand. He gripped Stanley's arm as his legs began to give way. He grabbed the IV pole once he gained his balance. The two boys began walking over, Bill holding onto Stanley for dear life. After a while of Bill stumbling and Stanley catching him, they made it. When Bill saw himself in the mirror, his jaw dropped.

Sure enough, the majority of his hair was grey. He took his hand away from the IV pole and ran it through his hair. When he pulled his hand away and looked, many grey hairs were resting in his palm.

"Jason's hair went grey...he used Cerebro too, didn't he?"
"Maybe it's from that."
"I guess. I th-think I'm j-just shocked because I th-thought I w-would've at least b-been able t-to make it to m-my forties before I st-started greying," Bill responded with a smirk.

Stanley let out a small chuckle and Bill grinned.

"There he is," Stanley elbowed him softly.

Bill laughed and elbowed him back.

"In all seriousness, your hair looks good I just wasn't expecting see that this morning."
"Thanks," Bill smiled, "I g-guess I could g-get used t-t-to it."
"If you end up not liking it, dying it is always an option."
"Yeah th-that's true."

Bill ran his fingers through his hair a few more times trying to style it, only for it to the flop down in the same position.

"I n-need a f-fucking shower."
"I mean, you don't smell that bad."
"You said it, not me."

He rolled his eyes, but maintained a sweet smile.

Bill's smile fell as he grunted and grabbed the side of his head. He closed his eyes as a sharp stabbing pain jabbed at the back of his brain. He gripped the IV pole and stumbled to the side.

"Bill," Stanley breathed out as he caught him, "you okay?"
"Yeah...j-just l-lightheaded," he lied.
"You should sit down."

Bill nodded softly as he tried to regain his balance. He fell back onto Stanley. He held him for a few moments, letting him get back onto his feet. The two boys began walking over to the hospital bed. Bill occasionally stumbled, but every time he did, Stanley managed to catch him. He was awfully light which made it a bit easier.

Bill sat down on the bed and Stanley sat next to him. Stanley put his arm around his shoulders and Bill leant on him. He rubbed his thumb softly on Bill's upper arm. Bill closed his eyes and just let him hold him. Stanley leant his head down on top of Bill's.

"I'm sorry for leaving you there."
"It w-was my ch-choice. I'm s-sorry for everything th-that happened."
"It's okay. Everything changed both of us and maybe for the better, I'm just happy to have you back."
"I m-missed you."
"I missed you too."

Bill wrapped his arms around Stanley's waist. He used his feet to pull the IV closer so it wasn't pulling at his hand. The two boys sat like that in a comfortable silence until visiting hours were over. All they needed was each other's presence, even if their relationship was only platonic.

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