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(A/N): here comes the drama....sorry for the bad, choppy, short chapter :/

i'm so sorry. i posted an announcement explaining that i'm falling behind in school and i'm really struggling to get everything done. sorry for the bad chapter, i have no motivation.... love you guys, i hope you can understand <333


Love. The feeling was new and foreign to Stanley. Of course he loved his friends and parents, but with Bill...it was different. He'd felt this type of love once before. He was dating Betty Ripsom when she went missing. He was sure that he loved her, but here with Bill, it was that feeling he hd for times one thousand. After the night they'd spent together, he knew his love for him was different and something special. He didn't really understand it, but this feeling had been hiding inside of him since that day the losers all met for the first time. Love was the only way to describe it.

The pair sat in the ice cream parlour eating ice cream while talking about nothing. Bill got cookies and cream while Stanley got mint chocolate chip. Bill called it gross and told him he was eating toothpaste. Stanley said they couldn't be friends.

"D-did you know that when you s-say 'crisp' that it m-moves from the b-back of your throat to the f-front."
"Crisp," Stanley replied, "wait, it does! Crisp."
"Are you losers just going to keep saying 'crisp' over and over again?" Eddie smiled as he walked into the parlour, Richie close behind him.
"Hey, Eddie," Bill smiled, "hey, Richie."
"Fancy seeing you two together," Stanley smirked at Richie.
"We're going to the arcade later," Richie grinned, changing the subject, "if you guys wanna join us."
"We were a-actually going t-t-to go to the qu-quarry, i-if you wanted to g-go with us."

Eddie looked over at Richie and they seemed to have a conversation with just facial expressions. Bill and Stanley shot each other a confused glance before the pair in front of them answered their question.

"Yeah we're down."


"Hurry up, Bill!" Stanley called, "you're walking so slow!"
"I'm walking a-at a normal speed. Y-you're just eager t-to get to th-the quarry."
"Do I have to drag you?"

Bill gave him a soft smile and walked a bit faster. Richie and Eddie rolled their eyes.

"They're so gonna get together," Eddie whispered.
"I bet they're already fuckin'."
"Ew! Richie!"

Richie chuckled and slung his arm around Eddie's shoulders.

"You don't want me to drag you?"
"I don't f-feel like having m-my ass wiped along th-the asphalt."
"I was just gonna grab your hand pull you along because you're so fucking slow."

Bill rolled his eyes and stopped walking.

"Are you-, are you kidding?"
"Take my h-hand, you won't."

Stanley grabbed Bill's hand and pulled him along making Bill blush. After a while of the pair laughing and joking, they made it to the quarry. They turned away from each other and began undressing down to their boxers. Bill glanced over at Stanley, just for a second, before turning back and taking off his jeans. The pair walked over to the edge and looked down.

"Who's going first?" Eddie asked, coming up behind them.
"Canon ball!" Richie yelled as he ran and flipped off the side of the quarry.
"Guess he's done that before," Eddie rolled his eyes before he jumped off.
"W-wanna jump together?" Bill asked.

Stanley nodded. Bill grabbed Stanley's hand and entwined their fingers. They were about to jump when someone cleared their throat behind them.

"Excuse me, Bill Denbrough?"

The pair turned around to see two people wearing suits and sunglasses standing there with what looked like three body guards. Bill recognised them immediately.

"Stryker," he swallowed, "Sitwell..."
"We're with the MHA," Stryker directed his words more towards Stanley, "we need you to come with us, Bill and don't try to use your mutation to get out of this one. You can't access my mind."
"If you're taking him, you're taking me too," Stanley crossed his arms.
"St-Stan, no...I've b-been with them before," Bill whispered, "let them t-t-take me."
"Very well. Get changed the both of you."

They had found Bill again and he knew better then to argue with them. They were going to take him one way or another and he preferred it would be in one piece.


Stanley and Bill were led down a long hallway. Everything was a dark musty green. The walls, floors and ceiling were all feral. For two people who were clean and proper, their 'headquarters' were disgusting. Stanley was confused on how Bill was completely unfazed.

"Go into that room and wait," Stryker ordered.

Bill rolled his eyes, but listened. Stanley followed. He fiddled with the bottom of the jumper he'd borrowed from Bill.

"You sh-shouldn't of come here. Y-you don't know wh-what th-they're gonna d-do to you."
"And you do?"
"I've b-been here before. I th-thought they'd lost m-me and g-have up searching. Obviously not."
"What ha-"
"Stan move!" Bill yelled.

Before he could even react, a sharp pain stung his shoulder. He looked over as well as he could to notice a dark in his shoulder.

"Wh-what the..." he became dizzy as he stumbled to the ground.

His head pounded and he fell onto his stomach. Bill bent down next to him and ripped the dart out his shoulder, but it was too late. The sedative had already started setting in.

"Bill..." he spoke weakly.
"Stay with m-me, Stan."
"I f-feel like I'm gonna..."
"Stan it's okay," Bill took his hand and squeezed it softly, y-you're going to b-be okay."

His pleading and comforting became an echo as everything went blurry and then black.

"Stan!" Bill kissed his hand and felt tears threatening his eyes, "please, please wake-"
"He can't hear you," a voice emerged from the corner of the room.
"Y-you did this."

A woman he recognised walked form the darkness with a sly evil grin. Agent Pennywise. The one who'd taken him the first time. His blood boiled.

"It only usually works that fast on mutants. Interesting."
"What d-do you want f-from me!"
"Oh, Bill. We want what we wanted last time, you see, we never lost your trail. We watched you and found out everything about that disgusting mutation you are so proud of. We know how to stop you from penetrating our minds. You're here now and you're not leaving, not this time."

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