
394 11 70

TW: smut, but not so much smut. really only foreplay. suicidal thoughts, torture and abuse effects.


i've been thinking about whether or not to cast betty, but as she's becoming a bigger character i thought it would be a good idea to.

i've been thinking about whether or not to cast betty, but as she's becoming a bigger character i thought it would be a good idea to

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isabela moner as betty ripsom
manipulation of nature


Stanley laid holding Betty in his arms. Her head rested on his shoulder and their legs were intertwined. Her hand was placed on his opposite shoulder while she held the other one close to her chest. Every now and again, Betty would cuddle in closer and Stanley would kiss her forehead.

They'd been laughing and joking, but Betty could tell that he was out of it and not really paying attention.

"Stan," Betty said, "you've been off lately...what's bothering you?"
"I just miss him...it's almost been six months since we left and I haven't heard anything from him."
"That's not all of it...you liked him more than a friend...didn't you?"
"Yeah," he whispered, holding Betty tighter, "I guess I did, but that's over now. I'm here with you."
"I know you guys kissed. I was in the security room when he helped you escape. I stopped the alarms from blaring. I saw everything," she wasn't mad. Her voice was still soft.
"What do you mean by everything?"
"I saw you fighting against Richie after Bill kissed you and left. You said something to Bill that when he walked around the corner he collapsed into tears."
"I told him I loved him."

Betty sat up and pulled Stanley by his hands so he was sitting too. She kissed his nose and wiped a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You're not mad?"
"Of course I'm not. I'm just upset you didn't tell me yourself...but did you really love him?"
"I think? I'm not sure anymore."
"No matter whether you decide whether you're into guys or not, I will support you, unconditionally."

He smiled at her and glanced down at her lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad, better yet, he wanted her so bad.

"Thank you," he said quietly.
"But for now, I reckon we should have some fun," she put a hand on his chest.
"Oh yeah? Is that what you want?"

Betty cupped his face and kissed him softly. Stanley quickly gained dominance and kissed her a little bit more rough. Stanley got on his knees and began pushing her backwards onto the bed. He rolled their hips together causing them both moan into the kiss. He licked her bottom lip asking to kiss her deeper. She parted her mouth slight and allowed him to deepen the kiss. She smiled and moved her hand so it was holding the back of his neck. Stanley pulled away and began kissing her neck, searching for her sweet spot. Once he found it, she moaned and gripped his hair.

"I want you," she said, slightly out of breath, "I want you, Stan."

Betty grabbed the bottom of Stanley's shirt and began lifting it up towards his head. He stopped kissing her neck and allowed her to take it off. He then reached for the bottom of her shirt and she lifted her body up, letting him slip it off. He gave her a quick passionate kiss, before connecting his lips to her collarbone and running his hand slowly down her entire torso until he reached her jeans. Stanley fumbled with the button, but managed to undo them. He moved down her body and situated himself between her legs. Stanley pulled her jeans down and off her ankles. He kissed the inside of her thighs before kissing dangerously close to her entrance. He kissed a little bit closer and closer.  Finally, she threw her head back in a moan and gripped the sheets beneath her.


The pair snuck out to the shower after they were finished. Stanley grabbed three towels. One for him, one for Betty and one for her hair. They covered themselves with the towels and slipped into the bathroom, going unnoticed by Stanley's parents. Stanley turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. While the water slowly got warmer, they pressed their chests together and kissed each other softly. She draped her arms around his shoulders and he had his hands hanging low on her hips.

They kissed as he slowly pushed her back towards the shower. She climbed in the basin, despite facing her back to it and he followed her. Without disconnecting their lips, he pulled the shower curtain shut. Betty pulled away from the kiss first. She connected her lips to Stanley's chest before kissing down his torso lower and lower. She kissed his V-line and smiled up at him.


"Wanna skip school tomorrow?" Betty asked, drying her hair.
"Yeah sure. What were you thinking?"
"Maybe we could spend the whole day at mine or we could go to the quarry, maybe see a movie."
"I'll go anywhere except the quarry," Stanley answered walking over to her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and softly kissed the side of her neck.

"What's wrong with the quarry? You used to love it there."
"That's where I was with Bill when they took us."
"Okay. We don't have to go there."

Betty turned around and draped her arms around his shoulders again.

"You look pretty with you hair wet," she said.
"Oh yeah?"
"Well you look pretty all the time so I think I win."
"You win?"
"Yeah because I get to look at you all the time."

Stanley leant down and kissed her for a second before pulling away and smiling. Betty bit her bottom lip and and grinned. She stood on her toes and whispered in his ear.

"You wanna go another round?"

She went back on her flat feet and looked up at him. He immediately connected their lips. They dropped their towels. Stanley moved his hands down her back and down to her thighs. Betty jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed her against the bathroom door.


Bill watched them using Cerebro. Stanley was happy. The smile Stanley gave her, Bill had only seen one before and that when they spent that one night cuddled up together. Stanley smiled at him after Bill finished his sentence. He thought it was the last time he was ever going to see that smile, but here Betty was, causing him to smile in a way Bill was unable to.

"Stop watching Stanley on the Cerebro!"
He's the only mutant it will let me find, he lied.
"You have one more chance. If you don't find someone else, I'm locking you in your room and waiting for you to die."

Bill focused again and searched for Stanley. He watched him love Betty the way Bill had wanted to love him.

"I love you and I'm sorry," Bill whispered.
"That's it," Stryker came over and ripped the machine off Bill's head, "let's go."

Bill was finally going to die and for some strange reason, he wasn't even scared. Instead he felt content and at peace. Someone else was loving Stanley and that's all he needed to be calm enough to let the MHA kill him once and for all.

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