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(A/N): unedited and i'm sorry for it being really bad, i'm not good at writing action, hope you enjoy <3
TW: fighting and murder


Stanley didn't know what was happening. He'd been sitting in an empty room with white walls and a singular couch for a while. He didn't know how long he'd been there for, but he knew he was alone. He would call out for someone, but no one would answer. He was scared for Bill, he didn't know where he was. The last thing he remembered was Bill yelling at some agent before he passed out from the tranquilliser dart. When he first came to in the room, he saw Sitwell and Stryker walk Bill past his room with his hands in handcuffs. He knew Bill was close, but he didn't know how close.

Stanley had almost fallen asleep when the door furthest away from him opened. Agent Pennywise entered. Her dark red curls hung by her ears making her pasty skin look even more pasty. She crossed her arms and glared at him.

"You're free to leave. We have no use for you."
"Where is Bill."
"Haven't you heard?"
"I haven't heard anything funnily enough."
"Bill's gone."
"Gone? What do you mean by gone?"
"He couldn't handle the stress of the test and it sent him into insanity, seems as his mind was mutated. We have no choice, but to put him down."

Stanley felt as if he'd been punched in the stomach. His heart twisted and broke in two as tears stung the back of his eyes.

"Put him down? He's not a pet."
"Stryker's orders."
"You can't fucking do that!"
"Styker's orders," she repeated, "are you leaving or not?"
"At least let me see him."
"I can't."

Stanley walked up to her. His lip was trembling as the tears became harder and harder to suppress. He took a shaky breath as he walked past her. He looked back for a second before sprinting down to the room where he'd watch them take him. Sitwell and another agent he didn't recognise were standing outside the room he assumed Bill was in. They stood in Stanley's way.

"Let me see him!" He hit their shoulders and tried to push past them.

Instead of moving they gripped his arms, dragging him away.

"Let me go! Let me fucking go!" He screamed, kicking and thrashing in their arms, "let me see him!"

They didn't answer or even acknowledge his struggle. They just kept walking him away.

"You can't fucking do that to him! I will fucking kill you! I swear to god! I will kill all of you! Let me see him!"

Stanley swung his legs around and kicked the two agents in the back of the legs, making their knees buckle. They fell to the floor and he managed to slip out of their grasp. He clambered to his feet, but the second he did, a gunshot erupted from the room.

"Bill!" He yelled as his heart split in two.

He sprinted towards the room and tried to use his mutation to undo the lock, but before he could unlock it, something hit him hard in the back of the head and he fell onto his knees. Stanley stood back up almost instantly and ignored the throbbing pain. He made it to the door and pounded on it with his fists.

"Let me in!"

As he became more upset, his mutation involuntarily activated. He accidentally pushed the metal from Sitwell's name badge straight through his chest, killing him almost instantly. Agents behind him screamed and ducked at the metal spiraling through the hallway. He managed to unlock the door, but the second it opened, another tranquilliser dart hit him in the back. It worked faster this time as he fell through the door and passed out almost instantly.

"Keep this one," Stryker crossed his arms, "he's interesting."


Bill could hear Stanley yelling at the agents, but all he could do was silently sob. He'd agreed to the MHA's terms for Stanley. He just couldn't bare the thought of him getting hurt. Bill would rather be a puppet than lose Stanley. He knew Stanley would lose him, but he'd get over it. No one really dwelled on Bill for too long, ever. The losers hadn't known him for that long so he assumed they wouldn't miss him that much. At least he would get to use the Cerebro to see his friends...right?

"I'm s-s-sorry," Bill whispered through sobs, "y-you'll get over m-me...I promise."

Stryker fired a gun at the wall, making the effect of him being shot.

"Bill!" Stanley's voice echoed.
"I'm s-so sorry, Stan," he carried on whispering into existence, "I th-think I l-love you. I kn-know you can't hear me and I d-don't know how it h-h-happened so fast, but I'm p-pretty sure that I l-love you. I love you so m-much, Stan and I'm sorry y-you're having to go th-through this, but I c-couldn't stand th-the thought of y-you dying from m-me being stubborn."'

Bill dropped his head and let his tears fall onto his lap. He might never get to hold
Stanley in his arms again and he doesn't know how he'll cope without him.

What he assumed what Stanley banged on the outside of the door. He really hoped Stanley couldn't come through. He was terrified of what they'd do to him. The door swung open and the boy he loved fell through. He was unconscious and had a dart sticking out of his back.

"Jesus, Stan," Bill whispered as he looked down the hallway and noticed how destroyed it was.

There were holes in the walls, all the doors were open and multiple agents were laying lifeless with pieces of metal in their chests. Some were just injured, but Stanley had killed the majority. Pennywise and Rumlow (the agent Stanley didn't recognise) were still standing.

"Keep this one," Stryker crossed his arms, "he's interesting."
"No, please, l-l-let him go," Bill sobbed.
"Not a chance," Stryker answered.

Rumlow took the dark out of Stanley's back and placed plastic handcuffs around his wrists, knowing he could destroy the metal ones.


"Have you guys heard anything from Bill and Stan?" Eddie asked all the losers.
"No, did something happen?" Mike asked.
"Rich and I went to the quarry with them yesterday and they both just disappeared. We can't find them anywhere."
"Maybe they're at one of their homes," Beverly suggested.
"We checked," Richie said, "Andrea, Donald and Sharon all haven't seen them."
"I'm scared something bad happened," Eddie nervously tapped his finger on his knee.
"Do you think that maybe...they got them?" Ben whispered the last three words.
"It's not impossible," Mike shot everyone a nervous glance.
"If they have them," Beverly spoke quietly, "we don't have much time until they're gone forever."
Richie looked up and took a deep breathe, "does anyone know where their base is?"

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