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(A/N): unedited...sorry


Bill sat at his desk watching Stanley sleep. He didn't want to go home and face his parents so Bill invited him over. The second they'd made it to Bill's, Stanley had collapsed in his arms and fell asleep almost instantly. Using his mutation to an extent he'd never used it to before drained all the energy from him.

As Stanley took residence in Bill's bed, Bill couldn't help, but stare. He looked so calm, relaxed, peaceful. He was laying on his right side with his knee's slightly bent. His left hand was placed softly on the pillow in front of his face and the other one was wrapped around his waist. His mouth was open slightly letting out soft breaths. His soft dirty blonde curls were scattered all over the pillow behind him, almost like how princesses sleep in cartoons. His Kippah has fallen off on the junkyard so Bill had picked it up and was still holding it. Bill thought he looked beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. He felt himself getting getting lost in the boy, but he wasn't complaining.

Bill placed it down on the table next to him, grabbed and opened his sketch book. He kept his eyes on Stanley as he slipped a pencil off his desk. He flicked through a few pages and glanced down to make sure the one he'd chosen was empty. He began sketching the boy in front of him. A warm filling flooded his entire body as he drew the outline of him. He'd never felt like this before, with anyone. He'd only known him for two weeks, but it felt like he'd known him for a lifetime. The whole time he'd been getting to know him, it felt like he'd been remembering from somewhere almost like they'd been together in a past life.

Once Bill was happy with his sketch, he closed the book and placed it on his desk. He left the pencil on top and walked over to the bed. He climbed in next to Stanley, making sure to keep enough distance so when he woke up he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. It didn't take long for him to drift off.

Stanley awoke to find himself wrapped in Bill's embrace. Stanley's face was buried in the crook of his neck and Bill's fingers were buried in his curls. Their legs were entwined and his arms were draped around Bill's waist and his hands were resting on Bill's shoulder blades. Once he realised that they'd probably been cuddling all night, a smile grew as a blush flooded his cheeks. He moved closer to Bill and hugged him tighter, thinking he wouldn't notice and just assume they're ere that close all night, but the truth was, Bill woke up an hour ago. Stanley moved so closer that their chests were pressed together. Their breathing synced and Stanley began tracing his finger nails along Bill's shoulders. Eventually they both fell asleep again.

Georgie, Bill's seven year old brother, was sent to get Bill for breakfast. He was met with the two boys cuddling while fast asleep.

"Mommy!" Georgie called.
Sharon came up the stairs, "yes, honey?"
"Why are they hugging like you and daddy do?"

Sharon looked inside the room and smiled softly at the two boys. Bill had never said anything about relationships, let alone with a boy, not that it mattered to her. She was just happy to see her son happy. Ever since their run in with them a few years ago, Bill had found it hard to get close to people. He shut himself off almost completely and Eddie was the only one that was able to reach him and slowly coax him back to being himself. She hadn't seen him this calm in forever.

"Well," she crouched down next to Georgie and took one of his hands, "sometimes boys can like each other the way mommy's and daddy's do. It's normal, sometimes frowned upon, but there's nothing wrong with it."
"What about two girls?"
"Yeah, that's the same. Come on, let's leave them. Maybe we could go to the beach later and practice using your mutation."
"Okay, mommy."

Sharon stood and slowly closed Bill's bedroom door. She led Georgie downstairs and finished getting the cereals out the pantry.

Stanley awoke for a second time once again in Bill's embrace. As much as he wanted to indulge in his warmth, he needed the bathroom. He tried to slip out of Bill's arms, only for Bill to stir and wake up.

"Morning, Billy," Stanley smiled.
"Morning, St-Stanny," Bill answered groggily.
"As much as I wanna stay here, if I stay here any longer I will wet the bed and I don't think you want that."
"It'll b-be warm."
"Ew," Stanley dragged out the 'w' as he rolled away from Bill's embrace.

Bill gave him a warm smile with a laugh before Stanley hopped out the bed and walked towards the bathroom. Bill rolled onto his back and smiled to himself like a school girl who's crush just glanced in her direction. Bill wasn't sure why he kept feeling like this around Stanley, but he didn't mind. Bill rolled off the bed and walked over to his desk. He opened his sketchbook and flicked through the pages until he found the sketch of Stanley from last night. He smiled again as he grabbed the pencil, which had fallen off the cover when he opened the book, and added a few more lines to Stanley's hair.

"Bill...um can I-"
"Y-yes you c-can wear some of m-m-my clothes," Bill looked over and grinned goofily at Stanley.
Stanley smiled back and bit his bottom lip, "thanks."

Bill turned back to the sketch book and carried on adding more detail. He smiled sweetly to himself as he darkened the lines around his fingers.

"What are you drawing?" Stanley asked as he sifted through Bill's drawers.
"Just s-something I started w-working on last n-night when I c-couldn't sleep."
"You had trouble sleeping last night?"
"K-kinda. You slept f-f-for a few hours b-before I even st-started feeling tired."

Stanley pulled out a grey T-Shirt, some black jeans and a navy blue sweater.

"I'm getting changed, don't look."
"No p-promises."
"Ew, you sound like Richie."

Bill let out a soft laugh and Stanley couldn't help, but smile. He looked at Bill for a few moments before changing.

"Do y-you maybe wanna g-go somewhere, once y-you're dressed. We h-have the whole w-weekend."
"What we're you thinking?"
"Quarry, a-arcade maybe. We c-could go anywhere w-we want."
"The quarry sounds good. Arcade, maybe not. I still don't really know how to use my mutation properly and I don't feel like breaking a bunch of arcade machines."
"F-fair enough. Quarry i-it is. Oh, and y-your Kippah is o-over here on m-my desk."

Stanley pulled Bill sweater over his head and walked over to pick it up. He looked down at Bill's sketchbook and gave Bill a small smile.

"Nice sketch," he grinned.
Bill blushed, "th-thanks."

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