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(A/N): so this is terrible, but i wanted to get something out. hope it's okay <3


Bill's handcuffs fell from his wrists and hit the ground. He turned around to notice Stryker was gone.

"Hey," Ben materialised, "wassup."

Bill threw his arms around his friend and Ben hugged him back.

"As much as I missed you, we gotta go before we get swarmed," Ben said, pulling away from the embrace, "where's Stanley?"
"I don't know th-they took him s-somewhere. I could try u-use Cerebro."
"I don't know what that is but, I'll tell Eddie and once you find him, he'll get you out of there."
"Wait wh-what's happening?"
"We're all breaking you guys out. Hurry up, Mike is standing guard. He's strong, but we're not sure how strong."

Bill nodded and sprinted towards Cerebro. He ran into the room and was immediately stopped. He stood there for a second and took a deep breath. If what Jason said was true, then he might not be able to talk properly ever again, but for Stanley it was worth it. Bill walked along the thin bridge to the Cerebro machine. He took a deep breath and sat on the chair provided. He put the head scan on and closed his eyes. Bill flicked on the machine and began searching despite it feeling like needles were stabbing at his mind.


"Fuck you," Eddie spat.

Stryker was handcuffed and in the room Bill and Stanley had shared just hours ago. Eddie locked him in their after taking him away from Bill.

"Let me out, you freak!"
"You're gonna have to come up with better insults!" Eddie called as he walked away, leaving Stryker shut in the room.

Eddie kept walking until he bumped into thin air.

"Ben, you're invisible again."
"Right," he materialised.
"Where's Bill?"
"He went to use Cerebro, whatever the hell that is, to find Stanley. I came to find you. You're gonna wait for him to come out and when he does you're gonna take him to wear Stanley is."
"Ordering me around? Is that you Richie?"
"No, he's looking for Stan. We don't have much time, go."
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'll go help Mike."

Eddie ran, not super speeding, looking for the Cerebro room. It wasn't long before he found it. He opened the door to find Bill attached to the machine. He looked to be in severe discomfort, but Eddie was scared to take him out of the machine in case he hurt him even more.

"Stand still," Bill muttered, clenching the sides of the chair tighter.
"I found him."

Another machine next to Bill began typing out coordinates, confusing Eddie even more. Bill reached for the machines switch and flicked it off. He grabbed the part attached to his head and ripped it off. Bill threw it to the ground and stood, taking fast, shaky breaths. Eddie walked over.

"Hey," Eddie grabbed his hand, "you okay?"

Bill looked up and over to Eddie. Once he finally realised who had been in the room with him, he smiled and embraced Eddie as tight as he could.

"I m-missed you s-so much, Eddie," Bill cried.
"I missed you too," Eddie smiled, resting his head softly on Bill's chest.

After a few moments of embracing each other, they pulled away and grabbed the coordinates off the typewriter-like machine and ran for the exit. Bill stumbled, still feeling a bit sick from using Cerebro. Eddie helped him to his feet and waited for Bill to regain his balance. Bill fell onto him. Eddie held him up and waited for him to be able to stand by himself.

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