Chapter 38

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Selena's Pov

Were all laughing while doing some square dancing omg this is so much fun!!!! Ahhh!! We could hear the guy on the microphone saying:"side side and link your arms and go left to right to left" the square dancing song was playing and were all just having a ball

Microphone guy:"now swing your partner around around" harry toke my arms and swong me around haha omg this is so much fun!! I could see my friends partnered up with hot guys even Gweny which im sure he's enjoying, lol

Microphone guy: And thats how you do the square dancing song"

Sammy:" okay missy go shake your sexy stufff and go give teacher boy a show show him how us texans can get down ill make sure hes sitting watching you "

Me:"haha okay" than timber by pitbull and kesha started playing me and a group of girls were doing the dance i was swaying my hips in a circle feeling myself i toke a quick look at harry seeing him watching me like his life depends on it than i decided to pull a j.lo and flips my hair up and touched the floor with my butt up in the air and i flipped my hair up feeling up my nice legs coming up

Harrys pov

Oh shit! MY GIRLFRIEND IS FUCKIN HOTTT!!! Oh gosh i think my friend might just pop out for a surprise oh shit! What this girl does to me i swear to gosh just look at her! The way she sways her hips showing off her nice curves. But its not just about the sex thats not even close to what my favorite part of what we have is... well okay its a little bit but mostly because im in love with her. Who would have ever guessed harry styles would fall in love with a small town girl from texas who just so happens to be the worlds most beautiful girl in the world... i thank God every single day for blessing me and giving me her. Shes just so perfect and so beautiful...

Selena's Pov

As i was dancing and swaying my hips i felt two pair of hands on my hips that didnt feel like harrys.... i turned around and saw some blonde hair model looking guy

The model looking guy:" hey im Jason i just wanted to tell you i saw you dancing i just wanted to tell you how hot you are and i was wondering if you wanted to dance" we were dancing i could see harrys smile fade as soon as he came he was mad and than i saw him get up oh je*us lord here we go...

Harry's Pov

I was enjoying watching my smokin hottt girlfriend dance when dush came and started putting gus hands on her waist they were dancing oh fuck no thats MY WITH A CAPTIAL M MY GIRLFRIEND NOT HIS!!!!

Selena's Pov

I was actually having a lot of fun dancing with him and i know it may seem weird but thats just how texans are we can dance with whoever unless of course they try something on you. While we were dancing Jason slide something in my jean shorts pocket i toke it out and its a #

Jason:" you know just incase you ever whatta chill or just need someone to talk too im here"

Me:" thanks Jason" i said and hugged him than harry came and said

Harry:" whats going on here?!?" Oh hes so jealous its cute though

Me:" nothing babe were just dancing and oh Jasond this is my boyfriend Harry and Harry this is Jason my new friend"

Jason:" nice to meet you man your girlfriend is very sweet and beautiful"

Harry:" yes she is thank you" he said hugging me from behind

Jason:" well Selena ill let you get back to your partner, but uhm call me" he said and winked at me than left

Harry:" uhhh she will not be calling you"

Me:" ohh be nice Harold" than the music was playing again and he was dancing with me showing me his country dance moves he learned in the class up stairs omg this soooo cute! Awee my baby!! Than he looked at me for a reaction and i was clapping saying good job

Harry:" i suck still dont i?" I just smiled and said

Me:" no you dont hunny it was cute" i said hugging him from the side

Harry:" its not suppolse to look 'cute' its suppolse to look sexxxyyy" i giggled

Me:" you always look sexy to me baby" i said giving him a kiss. Then we started dancing and harry had his hands around my waist and we were swaying our hips to the music then there was this game called limma belly and it's when you lay on a table and its only you and your friends you go in a room and lay on the table and put lemons were ever you want them and another person picks them up with their mouth! Ive never done this before but i dont want to always be the girl that everyone says selena go sit out you not crazy enough for this noway tonight is different im gonna a rebel!!! We went into a room and paired up ashely with sammy, lily with gweny, and me with Harry. Sammy was first sammy put the tequila on her tummy and put the lemon in her mouth ashely licked up her tummy we were all laughing and saying "ahh!" Then she went up to her mouth and put the lemon and toke it out

Sammy:" ahhh its so cold!!!" Haha omg this is crazy!!! Im scared!! Than lily sat down and put the lemon on her mouth gweny licked her stomache

Gweny:" omg i hope the gay gods dont kill me for doing this " we all laughed than he went up to her mouth and got the lemon


Gweny:"omg!!! This is crazy" then it was harry and i's turn haha

Selena:" haha come on babe lets show these bitches how its done" than he smacked my ass and i layed down and unbottoned my shirt and i wasnt wearing a bra but it doesn't matter weve known eachother since we were little and we've all changed in the same room before, harrys obviously seen me naked, and Gweny is gay so it doesnt matter as soon as i unbottoned everybody was like

Myfriends:" ahhhh!!!"

Gweny:" dang Sel puberty REALLY hit you your boobs are huge, your guys sex life must be wild" we laughed then i put the lemon on both my nipples and mouth and harry put tequila on my tummy Harry started licking up my tummy then lift my panties and jean shorts a bit to slurp up the tequlia that driped down there a bit and my friends were like" ah!" Than made his way up to my breasts and toke both lemon out with his teeth and pulled on one of my nipples lightly with his teeth omg this feels so good he was sucking on both nipples


Sammy:" omg if you guys are gonna have sex than get a room!" Everyone laugh including me and harry and then we went up and grabbed the lemon out of my mouth and we made out


Gweny:" wow girly were alwyas the ones doing this type of stuff and your the one usually sitting out glad to see you joining us for some crazy things thanks Harry!"

Harry:" your very welcome" he said smiling while shaking Gwenys hand

Ashely:" wow sel you are a very confident girl" haha im so glad my friends are liking this new side of me and im starting to just LIVE for once and not constantly always be antisocial and not join things and not always worrying about things its nice and its all thanks to Harry i love him....

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