Chapter 27

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Selena's Pov

It has been almost 4 weeks since i've been on the medicine and i've been feeling a lot better i only have 2 more days till it hits the 4th week which means.... HARRY AND I CAN HAVE SEX AGAIN!!!!! I know sounds really stupid to count down the days till you can have sex with your boyfriend, but thats an extremely long time for me and Harry to be doing IT, like honestly i just want him inside me right now... sorry for the dirty thoughts, but i can't help it. Oh and Harry has basically been living with us he stays the night in my room which is basically our room now, he's been taking care of me and he's just amazing, i love MY man. Everyday i just want to be with him....



Me:"before you have to go the school can you get me a water please?"

Harry:"of course my love"

Me:"thank you" ughhh i really don't feel good, and its 4 o'clock in the morning and i jave to get up to say goodbye to Harry and then get ready and go to school, ugghhh shoot me....i was looking down

Harry:"baby, whats the matter?"

Me:"nothing" but really there was something....

Harry:"babe, your lying please tell remeber a relationship involves being honest with eachother so baby please be honest with me"

Me:".... i'm just stressed... about the baby, Zayn, your dad, us, and my carrer, but ad of right now the baby..." i saif breaking down crying

Harry:"i know Sel... i know... and if i could go back in time and had the chance to do something about this i woud have, im so sorry baby... but just know the baby loved you and even though he wasn't born, he or she loves your still its mommy and i'm still his 'dad' and i wpuld have helped token care of it with you" then i saw a couple tears drop down his face

Me:"its like now that it actually happened i kind of do wish i would have gaven birth because that was my child that i love" i started crying

Harry:"baby im so sorry... i know how you feel... and i'm so sorry... but i love you and im gonna take care of you i promise. I know your stressed out about the whole you know what happening, the baby, my dad, me and Zayn, but just know i'm here and im gonna make it all better for you baby, okay its gonna be okay, k?" Then he started crying and i just hugged him really tight nit wanting to let go

Harry:"im sorry i'm such a shitty boyfriend and i-"

Me:"no. Your perfect. I love you so much, like so much"

Harry:"i love you too Selena, more than i can even describe... so much more..." then we got out of those pussions even though i didn't want too. We both got up and got dressed Harry left wearing his nice teacher suit and have me a kiss beforr he left. I could hear him say goodbye to everybody and they all responded except Zayn... of course. Gosh.... i don't even know where to start or say when it comes to Zayn but mostly dad... hoe could both these people keep something like this from me??? How am i suppose to recover after all that??? Amd then my baby... i cant even tallk about that... and Harrys dad omg what is it eith him why can't he just like me i mean even if i wasn't dating Harry he still would hate me!!! And he doesn't even know i'm dating Harry and he's banging me.... which he doesn't ever need to know that part, but still HE DOEDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW!!! Why does he hate me so much like why?!???? Uggghhh, i got into my shorts and dressy cute texas style looking tank top with my hair wavey in a head band and my summer sandals. Then walked out the door


Mr. Styles:"okay class, lets start. Okay so what president had to do with a lot of the rules there" then i said

Me:"president George Washongton"

Mr. Styles:"that is correct but anybody could have answered that dont be so proud miss. Gomez, haha" why does he hate me so much??. A couple minutes later Mr. Styles called me over... so i went and he ssid

M.S:"listening your little games arent gonna work sweetheart. Your a little slut and i get tht you have a little crush on Mr.SJ, but he already is in love with another girl named Taylor" what? The whore that wouldnt keep her lips or hands off MY MAN?!? No hes lying i love Harry and he loves me and ge told me straight in my eyes that he loves me and doesnt have anything feels for her and i know he meant it i just know and i just know he's the one i wanna spend the rest if my life with, so i dont care what he says i love his son so much more than anything i love him....

Me:"you know what i dont have a crush on him (I dont have a crush on him i love him) he is an amazing man and helps with everything and you are a digusting person for calling me that. You know what i've tried sooooo hard to just prove to you and ahve you like or adleast respect me but you dont why? Why are you such a hateful person towards me??? Mr. SJ told me your not normally like this, why?"

M.S:"because your a whore sweetheart, and your never gonna change, YOU. ARE. A. WHORE." My heart just stopped and i could feel myself tense up and then i started crying even more

M.S:"oh boo who you whore"

Me:"you know what Mr. Styles i've tried so hard to try to get you to adleast respect me, but you-you-know what- i-i-im done" then i ran out crying and Alfredo and Hayly passed me

Alredo:"Selena whats the matter"

Hayly:"Sel, what happened babes?"

Me:"i-i-im sorry i can't t-t-talk right now" than i ran out crying even more


me:"Harry im trying i really am i just can't do it anymore... Harry i love you... i love you soooo much, but if this can't get fixed than how can i live a life with you being basically an old man and me being only 21 years old, i mean it should be illegal to date someone thats over 20 years old and thats a teacher... its just to much to handle evedything... losing the baby, Zayn, my dad, and your dad its just to much"

Harry:"sweetheart please... please just stick with me here..."

Me:"am Harry, but thats the thing i don't know how long i can..."

Harry:"babe, listen i love you and i am NOT gonna lose my girlfriend because of my dad, you are the love of my life and i am NOT gonna lose you okay???"he came closer to me and put one hand on my waist and the other turned my head to face him. I nodded my head and said



Me:"ya" then we kissed. I love him so much, you have no idea

Harry's Pov

Gosh this is so close i need to deal with my dad, but furst i wanna adleast try and have a relationship with Zayn, for Selena's sack. And i mean heres how i feel i understnd why hes protective ger, believe me i do i really do, but he needs to understand theres nothing more that i love more than her she means the whole world to me and he doesnt have to like even though i do want to have a relationship with not just because of Selena, but if he doesnt want to than we adleast need to find a way to get along for her and i feel like if he truly cares about her he will. Question is how am i gonna do this...

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