Chapter 1

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            The boys were suppose to come over later tonight for a little get together I had convinced Ringo would be fun to do. We were at my house sitting and chatting before the others got there. I had invited him over for some one on one time, which is why he was reluctant to let the other guys in on the fun.

       "Are you sure ye want ta invite them over tonight? We see the others lads everyday, do we really need ta see 'em again? I though it was just gonna be us tonight?" Ringo groaned. 

 "It was, but I figured since it's snowy and there's nothing much to do the others must be bored out of their minds." I said feeling guilty that I was taking away from our time alone together. Ringo and I have been best friend since I moved to Liverpool when I was six. My dad decided to move here from America to take care of my grandma while she was sick, and after she past he couldn't bare to leave. Ringo was the first friend I ever had here and we've spent almost every moment together since we meet, but since he joined The Beatles two years ago we haven't really spent much time without John, Paul, or George.

"Ok fine, but you owe me a day to ourselves."

"It's a date." I chuckled as I saw Ringo flash me his award winning smile. I heard a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it, Rings!" I opened the door to find not one, but all the rest of The Beatles at my door. 

     "You guys got here at the same time, great I only have to walk to the door once!" I said over enthusiastically. Paul chuckled and shook his head at my remark as he walked in and gave me a warm hug. John took off his hat and curtsied in front of me.

"At yer service little girlie." John sent me a wink before rushing over to get some beers out of the fridge. I hate it when he calls me little; I'm barely a year younger than him! But I let him get away with it most of the time cause he's cute while he's doing it. George walked in with a smile on his face, his nose red from the frosty weather,  and bent down to kiss my cheek. 

"How ya doin', love?" He asked making my face heat up with the feeling of his hot breath on my neck. I let him go from the hug to face him. 

"Good, good. How 'bout you? Anything new from the last time I saw you?"

"Yesterday?" He chuckled making me laugh as well, "No not much, been working on a new song is all"

"Well that's something!"

"I guess so." He said holding an intense but endearing gaze on me. I broke eye contact with him and turned around to start walking towards the others. 

"Can't wait to hear it." I said leading George into the living room. 


And so it begins  . . .

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