Chapter 12

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We arrived in front of my flat and before I could get out the car Ringo asked me if needed help getting home.

"Uh yes, that would be nice." I answered. He got out the cab and helped me up the flight of stairs. He held on to me all the way to my door.

"Ya got the keys?" Once we were in, Ringo helped me take off my shoes and walked me over to my room and sat me down on the edge of the bed.

"Can I take these off or are ya gonna thump me?" He said pointing at my socks, referencing the threat I had made earlier that night. 

"Ya, that's fine." I offered him a little smile. He was so gently with me I felt like I was going to melt at his touch. I wanted to reach down and place my hands in his hair.

"Want me ta get ya some pajamas ta change inta?" He asked still crouched down in front of me. I felt bad for making him take care of me when I knew full well I could do it perfectly fine myself. "Don't worry I'll leave the room." He said, sensing my hesitation. I laughed and shook my head.

"Rings, I didn't actually need your help, I'm sorry. I just wanted to spend more time with you." I confessed. 

"Oh. Well ya could of just said so, ya know I'd never say no ta spending time with ya." He said sitting next to me on the bed.

"I guess so." 

"That shirt looks good on ya."


"Purple brings out yer eyes." He said trying to ease the tension we were both feeling. My eyes went to his, then down to his lips, and back up again before they lingered for too long. When I looked back up I caught him staring at my lips too. There was that aching feeling again. I ditched my normal instinct to ignore that feeling and hopped in Ringo's lap to kiss him. It was so sudden, It took him by surprise but he quickly responded to the kiss. I felt is hand inch up the side my thigh and slightly past the hem of my skirt, pushing the fabric up a bit. He stopped when he noticed what he was doing and moved his hands down on the bed. I pulled away from him to see what was wrong.

"M'sorry, didn't even realise what I was doing." He apologized. I took his hands and placed them back where they were, his soft blue eyes widened at my gesture. I don't know what had gotten into me because I was being way more forward than I had ever been in my life. I guess John was right; I've been pushing every feeling that was slightly more than platonic out of my head for 7 years and I didn't want to do it anymore.

"You don't need be sorry. We don't have to be just 'friendly' anymore," I slowly undid the buttons of his shirt, "we've already wasted enough time doing that. What's the point of pretending anymore?" He nodded his head looking up at me, distracted by my fingers doing away at his buttons. He was watching me closely, eager to know when I would make my next move. Shortly after I got to the last button, he decided to take matters into his own hands and flipped us over. He got rid of my shirt and skirt in the matter of seconds, which left me in shock but also extremely impressed. 

"Woah Rings, I–."

"I've 'ad a lot of practice. In me dreams." He explained, making me chuckle and pull him down for a kiss.

. . . 

I woke up with my head on Ringo's chest and his arm wrapped around me. He was gently moving the hairs from in my face, tucking them behind my ears with the hand he had wrapped around me.

"Good mornin', love." He said in a quiet whisper.

"Morning." I returned in the same quiet tone. He continued stroking the top of my head.

"I can't believe we actually did tha'. I was pretty sure me imagination was actin' up again." He joked.

"Me too, best drunk decision I've ever made." I admitted.

"Agreed. Best decision I've ever made period."

"We should probably get ready the boys will probably be getting to the studio soon." I said.

"They always ruin the moment don't they?" He said. I laughed, picking up his clothes from the floor and throwing them at him.

"Get dressed." I said leaving the room.

. . .

I walk into the studio and saw the boys setting up their instruments as usual. I walked over to sit next to George, who was tuning his guitar on the couch. He looked up at me from his guitar and gave me a little smile that stayed on his face even as he returned to his previous activities. 

"So Ringo didn't come 'ome last nigh'." He said his eyes still focused on his pegs. 

"Yup." I said, not bothering to turn to face him.

"I guess ya finally gotta tell 'im how ya feel then, yeah?" He finally turned to face me, still keeping the same smile on his face.

"Yeah." I looked over before quickly looking back straight ahead. I was scared prolonged eye contact might give me away.

"And it went well?" He questioned trying to get more than one word out of me.

"Suppose so." I smile at him, maintaining eye contact this time.

"Tha's good to 'ear. So, nothin' exciting 'appen?" He said smile growing wide enough to expose  his teeth.

"No." I shook my head. 

"Alrigh' then." He chuckled. He obviously didn't buy the last bit.

"I'm going to make some tea, do you want a cup?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ta'" He said, smile still on his face. 

I walked into the kitchen to see John already heating the kettle. I made my way over to him to get some cups from the top cupboard and set them down on the counter, waiting for him to finish boiling the water.

"So ya got drunk and took yer clothes off again." He took a step back and put his hands up to covered his face, correctly anticipating that his comment would earn him a slap or two in the face. 

"JOHN!" I yelled at him, smacking him on the arm. "How did you even know? Did George tell you?" I asked him.

"No, ya just did," great so I just exposed myself, "how would George know anyway? Did ya tell 'im and not me?" He feigned a look of shock and hurt.

"No I didn't. But, Ringo didn't come home last night," I felt embarrassed admitting that to John, "And I'm not a good liar." I said.

"Yer the worst liar." He corrected. I hit his arm again. "Yer a lousy friend too. Friends aren't supposed to physical abuse each other." 

"Sorry, but you deserve it." I said.

"Fair enough." He laughed, pouring the water into into cups. "Well I'm 'appy fer the both of ya," he said in a more serious and genuine tone, "but especially for Ringo, he's shootin' way out of 'is league." There it was. He wasn't able to stay serious for too long. I laughed and shook my head at his comment. I reached into my purse and took out the hat John was wearing last night.

"Sorry, I forgot to give it back last night." I held the hat up for him to take. 

"Keep it. Looks good on ya." He said. I got on my tippy-toes to place the hat on his head and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, before helping him carry the teas back to the boys. I watched the boys play from outside the box with Brian. Every time their eyes met mine,  Ringo's face turned a cute shade of pink, John had on his cheeky smirk, and George just smiled the same smile as before. Paul was the only one who seemed to behave normally, I guess he was the only one left to find out.

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