Chapter 5

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"I forgot how funny ye look when ya dance," Ringo chuckled at me.

"You're so mean, did you know that?" I questioned jokingly.

"No, actually I've been told I'm quite the sweetheart"

"Really? By who?" I yelled over the extremely loud music. I am 100% sure I will have no voice in the morning and possibly no hearing either. 

"By, You!"

"lies! I've never used that wording." I retorted. He rolled his eyes at me and shot me a toothy grin. His blue eyes were ten times prettier when he smiled.

"Shut up and dance will me, will ya?" He grabbed my hands and shook me around, throwing in the occasional twirl. The upbeat music soon came to a halt and the song "chances are" by Johnny Mathis came on. Instinctively, I pulled Ringo in closer to me and rested my head on his shoulder. We swayed to the beat of the song, and I felt so at home in his arms I nearly fell asleep on his shoulder. I felt Ringo turn his head to kiss the top of mine, and I felt the sudden urge to kiss him on the lips. OK well I'm definitely awake now! You cannot think these thoughts about your best friend. NOPE! It's not cause you like Ringo, you're just so desperate for romance you would have had the same thought with any guy, even John. Yup, that's it. Now, stop being a delusional idiot. 

"That was a nice song, don't you think y/n?" I looked up at Ringo still trying to shake off my previous thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah it's very lovely"

"Ya ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. That song made me sleepy, that's all."

"I can tell, ye almost fell asleep on me shoulder. Do ya wanna go back ta the 'otel? I don' mind 'eading back a little early."

"No, no way! Don't worry, once a faster song comes back on I'll be ready to dance till the morning!" I assured him. 

. . .

Once the songs picked up speed I had completely forgotten about what had happened earlier and was dancing like a lunatic again. I felt a pat on my back and spun around to find a smiling George behind me. 

"Can I 'ave this dance?" I turned back  around to see Ringo frowning at the floor, which made me feel to guilty abandoning him (especially after I forced him on the dance floor), but I also didn't want to say no to George. 

"Yes." I grabbed his and Ringo's hands and intertwined them with each other. They both shot me a lethal look. They looked so funny I wish I had a camera with me. 

"What? You guys just gonna stand there? How do you even have fun without me?" I huffed grabbing their hands and locking them with mine. I started violently jerking my limbs, causing the boys to move along with me. 

"What's she doing?" George asks Ringo, throughly confused (and being violently jerked around by me). 

"She's dancing, la' " Ringo answers casually. I stopped and  looked up to see both men staring at me. 

"What? Let me guess, ye look funny when ya dance." I mocked what Ringo had previously said to me. 

"Yes, but it's kinda cute" George responded, making me blush and look away. Ringo made a sad face at my reaction, but I didn't make much of it. He's been making that face a lot lately.

"So you guys gonna dance or do I have to do all the work?" I say regaining my confidence. 


So they obviously both like her. 

The real question is who does she like? Does she like either of them? Both of them?😏

She said she wanted to kiss Ringo, but she also did say she was down to get down with George so . . .

Who do you think she should end up with?

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