Chapter 14

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"When do we have to get there?" I asked.

"I think they want us there at noon." Paul said. 

"Do I have to come?" I asked.

"Yes." Paul answered.

"Why? I'm not the one getting interviewed! It's press, there are already going to be so many people there with cameras why do I have to come?" I whined.

"For fun. Plus, pictures never hurt nobody." He answer.

"It's not fun for me." I mumbled as I walked away from John and Paul in the living room. I got dressed in something casual and grabbed my camera.

"Alright I'm ready let's go." They followed me out the door without saying a word. 

Paul insisted that I sit in the passenger seat because he needed to sit in the back so he could have space to change his shirt. I wasn't in the mood to sit in the front next to John because it was too early in the morning to try and deal with his reckless driving.

"Why didn't you just wear the shirt before you got here?"

"Because I didn't want it to wrinkle." I turn around and gave him a irritated look. I knew he was just trying to get out of having to deal with John. I gave him the middle finger. 

"No need to be so rude we're almost there anyway." He said

"We are 3 hours away Paul." I stated.

"Ok y/n, yer on map duty I dunno the way from 'ere." John said.

"Great." I said pull in out the map from the dash.

. . .

We met George and Ringo at the airport. We still had an hours flight ahead of us and it was very obvious that all of us we already tired. I felt really bad for the boys because they still had a ton of press to do once we landed. I was lucky because all I had to do was watch and take pictures. I was lucker than lucky because my job allowed me to do something I love and spend time with the people I love. I looked over to the boys by my side, sharing a laugh, and smiled. 

"Y/n, let's get on now." George guided me onto the plane. 

"Did you guys have breakfast?" I asked. 

"No. Did you?" Paul asked. I shook my head. 

"Well I 'ope we get somethin' to eat soon." George said. 

I was starting to feel a bit tired so I put my head on Ringo's shoulder. He grabbed my hand, held it in his, and bought it up to his lips to give it a gentle kiss. Paul noticed this gave us funny look from his seat. He looked at John and George and decided that it must have not been as odd as he thought it to be, since they didn't seem to be bother by it.  

. . .

"Hey y/n, get up we're 'ere." Ringo whispered to me. I got up and grabbed my camera as John and George got off the plane. I stopped Ringo on his way out to fix his hair, button up his coat, and give him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Coming Paul?" I asked. He stood behind us, wordless, still trying to figure out what was going on. I'm not going to lie I was definitely playing up the couple act a bit to throw Paul for a loop. It was working, and it was funny. 

As soon as we got off the plane people started bombarding the boys. I slipped out and went off to the side where I could watch them without getting in the way.  About an hour and a half had passed and I was starting to get bored. I decided to just try and take some photos of them to see if any of them would even turn out good. John was looking my way and decide to pull Ringo aside to pose for a picture while Paul was talking. 

Ringo was caught off guard, but when he saw me the both of them pulled two goofy smiles

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Ringo was caught off guard, but when he saw me the both of them pulled two goofy smiles. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. I motioned for them to pay attention to their interview. I thought I should go over to the other side and try to find someone to talk to so I wouldn't be so bored while the boys finished up. I ended up getting distracted by the snack table.

"There ya are." John yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw all of them heading my way. 

"You guys are finally done?"I asked.

"Yep." Ringo said, coming up next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist to bring me to his side. 

"Ok y'guys are acting strange." Paul broke his silence.

"What do you mean?" I pretended not to know. 

"Are ya guys together now?" He question.

"Yes." I said.

"Yes, as in your together yes?" He said in shock.

"Yes." I repeated.

"What? Y'guys are finally together? Why am I the only one who think this is a surprise." He asked.

"Because yer the only one who didn' know already." George butted in.

"What? Why didn' anyone tell me?" Paul asked. 

"Well everyone else found out on their own so we thought it was only fair that you did too." I reasoned.

"Well I'm glad the two of ya are gonna stop pretending yer just friends, but I can't help but feel a little betrayed." He joked.

"So everyone on planet knew we liked each other before we did?" I said. The others nodded their heads.

"So 'ave ya though' bout movin' in with us?" George asked.

"I have." I stated simply. 

"So? What do ya think?" Ringo asked me, anxious to hear my answer.

"When can I bring my things." I asked. A look of relief wash over Ringo's face.

"Anytime at all." He told me.

"Y'guy should kick George out now." John snickered. 

"No they can't do tha', It was me idea in the first place!" George responded.

"We'd never kick you out Geo." I assured him.

"Maybe you should build him a house out back. Like a dog house, y'know." Paul chimed in.

"Yeah? And maybe John should start walkin' ya on a leash." George said so calmly it was almost scary. Watching the boys go back and forth like this was always really funny. I looked over to Ringo, who was at my side. He looked at me and a smile appeared on his face–that wonderful, award winning, heart melting smile. I would do anything just so that I could get to see that smile everyday, and maybe if I'm luck I will.


That's a wrap.

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