Chapter 8

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"Can't sleep?" George asked from the dinner table. Oh great now George is gonna know I cried and I'm going have to explain why I'm such a loser.

"No." I sniffled.

"Were ya cryin'? What's wrong, love?" He put down his pen and looked at my face. I turned my face to the side trying to hide my post-cry face. 

"Uh-uh" I said still refusing to look right at him. He pulled the other chair closer to himself and patted it, signaling me to sit down. "If I knew I was gonna run into you I would have washed my face first." l chuckled. 

"Tell me what 'appened, is sleeping with Ringo tha' bad? Cause me offer still stands ya'know." I looked him in the eye for the first time all night and laughed. He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me into side hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a big breathe I didn't even realize I was holding in. 

"I messed up Geo." 

"Did ye get in a fight Ringo?"

"No. I don't even know what happened. He told me he loves me and I didn't say anything. I couldn't bring myself to speak." George raised his eyebrows.

"So he finally told ya, huh? I though' he would take it ta 'is grave." I turned around to face him.

"What? He told you about this?" 

"Well no, every time me or one of the other lads asks 'im he throughs out the classic we're just friends line, but everyone except the two of ya knows tha's absolute shite." He said laughing. "Ya love 'im too don' ya, love?" He asked in a more serious manner. 


"So why didn' ya tell 'im tha'?" He looked back at me. I shook my head and slapped myself in the face.

"Because I'm stupid, why else?" I huffed. "I'm so stupid I don't even know what I'm feeling half the time. I had the biggest opportunity and I blew it and now my best friend probably hates me." I dropped my head onto the table. "He's such a good friend and I went and messed up such a good thing."

"He's not gonna hate ya, love. I don' think he could ever hate ya."

"That's the hardest part, he's so good to me he's gonna pretend that everything's ok just so that I'm comfortable." He gently rubbed my back to let me know he was there to support me.

"Don' worry, ya can still tell 'im how ya feel in the mornin'. I'm sure he'll understand, love. He'll be 'appy just 'ere ya say the words. He'd be a fool not to be." He assured me. 

"Thanks for listening, Geo. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you." I got off my chair and gave him a big hug. I held on to him for way too long, but I didn't want to let go. 

"I know ya probably want some alone time, so sleep in me room tonight."George said from under my tight grip. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Just go, I'm probably not gonna sleep tonight anyway," he gestured to his pen and paper, "I want ta try and get as much of this done as possible." I nodded and left him alone to get to his writing. 

. . .

I've never actually seen the inside of George's room before, so I was very interested to explore before I went to sleep. It was different than I expected but it made a lot of sense. The entire room was tidy until you looked over at the desk and chair. His guitars were neatly organized and his bed was made perfectly, but papers crowed the top of his desk and clothes were piled upon his chair. I guess if you had asked me what I thought his room would look like before tonight I would have said clean and orderly; I wouldn't have anticipated the messy bit in corner. It made sense to me because George appears to be shy, quiet, even innocent at first glance but once you really get to know him, and he opens up to you, he's cheeky, opinionated, and weird in a good way. His neat outwardly appearance seemed only a cover up for his messy and more exciting wild side, which he kept private to those he didn't care to get to know better. I heard a knock on the door that pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I said.

"I brought ya an extra blanket incase ya get cold. I'll send pest control over ta yer flat in the mornin', ya just worry about sortin' things out with Ringo. Get some rest fer now, I'll be in the kitchen if ya need me." 

"Thank you so much Geo, I don't know how I'll make it up to you!" I said feeling extremely unworthy of all this hospitality. 

"Ya don' need to, love. Ya do enough fer all of us as it is, just go and be 'appy." I walked over and gave him another big hug.

"Goodnight, George."

"Goodnight, y/n."

. . .

I woke up with a great idea in my head. I left Ringo a note on the kitchen table letting him know where to meet me and rushed out the door.


Online school has started again  :( 

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