Chapter 13

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I was sat on the couch between Ringo and George, watching a movie playing on the TV. George had already made it obvious to the both of us that he knew exactly what was going on, so I told them that John had figured it out as well. 

"Are ya gonna tell Paul?" George asked.

"I don't know maybe we should since the rest of you already know, it's not much of a secret anymore." I said.

"Na I think y'guys should just see how long it takes 'im to figure it out." George said.

"Tha' would be funny." Ringo noted.

"That's mean, but yeah I think we should do it." I agreed.

"So when are ya gonna move in with us?" George asked me.

"What do you mean?" I laughed.

"Well you guys are together now so I thought it would make sense tha' you'd move in with us."  George answered.

"Aren't you already sick of seeing me around so much already? Why would you want me to move in with you?" I asked.

"Well I think yer a good person to 'ave around. And ya wouldn't 'ave to drive all the way 'ere anymore, think 'bout how much money you'd save on gas and rent. Plus, yer the best cook." He reasoned. 

"Oh so you just want me to cook for you then?" I accused him.

"No, I just meant you could cook and I could clean and–" 

"I'm just kidding. Thanks for wanting me around." I interrupted him. 

"Y'know Geo's gotta point," Ringo said looking at me, "it would be nice if ya lived with us. Yer welcome to move in if ya like." He offered. I felt delighted by the offer and the fact that the boys seem to be fond of the idea of living with me. They were my two best friends, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to give up the independence I had living on my own.

"I'll think about it, thank you guys." I answered honestly.

"This movie's a bore innit?" George asked.

"Yeah" Ringo and I agreed.

"Maybe we should call to see what John and Paul are up to?" I suggested. They thought it was a good idea so we Rang them up. Paul answered the phone and told us that they had been just as bored as we were and invited us over for some tea.


Sorry for the short filler🤗.

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