Chapter 3

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The boys and I are currently staying in hotel in Los Angeles, about an hours drive from where I use to live. They were doing a photoshoot at the pool today and invited me to tag along with them. I felt a little odd coming along, since I wasn't really needed there, but they insisted I come so we can have a little "fun in the sun" afterwards. I put on my mustard-greenish swimsuit and a crochet coverup before Ringo got out of the shower. I walked over and knocked on the bathroom door. 

"Hey, Rings. I'm going to head out. I'll meet you at the pool." I yelled through the door, before leaving the suite. I opened the door to see John walking to the elevator from his room across the hall. 

"Hey y/n, yer looking lovely this mornin'!" He chirped happily.

"Thanks, you're oddly cheery." I observed.

"It's nice out. I've missed the sun," he said escorting me into the lift, "y'know ya shoulda taken tha' offer earlier. I'm sure George would be than 'appy to share the bed witcha." He raised his eyebrow at me and shot me a cheeky smirk. I punched him hard in the arm and laughed as he winced in pain. Good, he deserved that. 

"And give up the double bedded room with Ringo? Never."

. . .

George and Paul were already waiting down at the pool when we got there. 

"Oh, look they're matching, what a cute couple!" Paul pointed out that my swimsuit and George's shirt were practically the same color. I glared at him, warning him that if he dared make another cheeky remark about me and George he could expect to be thrown straight into the pool. George and I took a seat in the lounging chairs next to each other while John and Paul were talking to the Photographers.

"So ye want me ta fuck ya?" George said trying but failing to hold back his laughter. My jaw dropped so fast I was afraid I dislocated it. 

"OH MY GOD GEORGE!" I yelped in disbelief of his forwardness. I wacked him in the arm with my book till he fell off his chair and surrendered. 

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry," he put his hands in the air, "I just though it was funny how red ye get when someone mentions it."

"Yeah, cause it's embarrassing! And just so you know I don't actually want to sleep with you. My options were limited." I informed him, point over to where John and Paul were standing. He looked over and chuckled.

"Well, if ye change yer mind I've got the whole room to me self." 

"Honestly, if I had know you were gonna be like this I would've picked Paul!" I said bitterly.

"We all know he doesn't need anymore boosts to his ego. He already fancies himself the 'cute beatle' anyway." He said looking over at Paul, who was now flirting with one of the Photographers. 

"Well, looks to me like you didn't need any boosts to your ego either!" I said making him laugh and nod, acknowledging his overly confident behavior from earlier. I saw Ringo walk in from the corner of my eye. 

"Looks like everyone's 'ere. I better 'ed over." George said getting up to join the others by the diving board. 

. . .

I attempted to read my book but kept getting distracted by their shenanigans. It's never a dull moment with these boys, honestly. I stared at them amused, with my book in hand and the temples of my glasses between my teeth. George caught me staring and gave me a wink. Ringo saw this and gave him the side eye. Irritated by the suggestive notion, I shook my head and began reading again. Not too long after, I was distracted by the sound of laughing and screaming. I peeked over to see Ringo and George doing God knows what in the corner.

 I peeked over to see Ringo and George doing God knows what in the corner

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It was cute. Ringo looked so cute running around with his signature smile plaster on his face. I've always adored his smile, it was contagious to say the least. Seeing the glimmer in his eye when he was happy made me want to kiss him. No. No. No. I don't want to kiss him he's my best friend. I couldn't actually want to kiss him, could I? He saw me staring at him and put his toy gun to his head in attempt to make me laugh, which worked since it seem to capture my current mood so well.

 I couldn't actually want to kiss him, could I? He saw me staring at him and put his toy gun to his head in attempt to make me laugh, which worked since it seem to capture my current mood so well

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"Ready to jump in the pool?" I was brought out of my thoughts by John's voice. I looked over to see his hand extend over to me. I took it and got up to walk with him. 

"Yeah, I've been looking forward to that fun in the sun you promised me." I said still caught up in my previous thoughts. 

"Well yer in fer a real treat!" He yelled as he ran and cannon balled into the pool.

"Well yer in fer a real treat!" He yelled as he ran and cannon balled into the pool

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George is being hella spicy

 I just wrote three chapters in one day, which is most likely not going to be a regular occurrence. I will try to update as much as I can with school and all. This is the first story I've ever written on wattpad so I'm still learning, hopefully it'll get better overtime.

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