Chapter 11

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"Come on y/n I know ya can do better than tha'!" Paul switches out my beer for a shot of vodka.

"You know I don't know why my mom likes you so much. You're a really bad influence on me." I gulped down the shot he gave me anyway. 

"I'll go get us some more drinks. Wanna help Geo?" Paul and George left us alone, so it was just John, Ringo, and me. 

"So are y'guys finally gonna get it in?" John asks. I gave John a disapproving look, and when I looked over at Ringo I saw that he was trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone.  

"What's wrong with you? No one taught you manners?"I asked John. He chuckled and raised his eyebrows at us.

"Well something's definitely up with the two of ya. I know sexual tension when I see it." He responded 

I smacked him on the arm, "There is no sexual tension! Wanker!" 

"Tell me ya didn't at least kiss n' I'll believe it." Both Ringo and I went silent. "Told ya." He said over confidently. 

"Ok, so we kissed. That doesn't mean there is sexual tension. Not everyone's as horny as you." I laughed it off, but to be honestly I wasn't completely sure of the truth of my answer.

"You've been holdin' it in fer so many years yer probably much hornier than me, love. Probably thought about it a million times, I'm sure Ringo 'ere definitely 'as." Ringo's face was as red as a ripe tomato.

"Yer a real git." Ringo grumbled at him. 

"I'm gonna go find some birds and leave y'guys alone to y'know speed things up."  He winked at us before picking up his half full glass and heading away. 

"He's a nosey arsehole." Ringo mumbled after John left.

"You read my mind, so much for waiting to figure things out." I huffed.

"I know, but wha' can we do? He wasn' gonna give it a rest till he got somethin' out of us anyway." Ringo was right.

"I guess that means one less person to keep a secret from. Probably won't stay a secret too long now that Mr.BigMouth found out though." I giggled. I wasn't sure if I was even really angry at John; I didn't really care as much as I thought I would about people finding out.

. . .

My alcohol and energy level had already reached their peaks. I was dancing with Ringo, alongside the others and the girls they brought to dance floor with them. 

"I want another one." I yelled over the music. 

"Another wha?"Ringo asked, but it was too late cause I had already started making my way over to the bar. Ringo followed after me. "No, y/n I don think ya should drink anymore." He said once we got to the bar. 

"What why not?" I asked.

"You've 'ad enough already."

"But you had more than me!" I argued.

"Yes, but yer a lightweight."

"So are you."

"I'm smarter than ya when we're drunk'" He reasoned.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." I teased him. He just shook his head at me, still with a smile on his face. He took my hand in his and dragged me back to the dance floor. I forgot about the drink, which is a good thing because Ringo was right I get especially stupid when I'm drunk and I was already drunk enough as it was. We lost the boys but it didn't really matter. We would probably just find them later. It was getting quite late and we both became visibly exhausted. 

"I'm gonna 'ead out fer a smoke, wanna come?" He asked me. 

"Yeah it's really stuffy in here." As soon as we walked out the crisp London air hit my face and immediately cooled me down. 

"Nice fresh air out 'ere." Ringo noted while lighting up his cigarette.

"Won't be for long." I said, staring at the thing between his lips.

"Sorry, love. I know ya don't like it, I'm tryin' ta cut down. It's a nasty habit ta break." Ringo said, giving me an apologetic look.  

"I know but I only want what's best for you, plus I don't think I could ever kiss you when you've got cigarette breath." 

"Well I guess I've gotta quit cause I always want ta kiss ya." Hearing him say that was a bit weird cause we've only just been friend our entire lives. It made me feel an aching in my chest, the kind that only he is ever able to make me feel–the best kind. "Come 'ere." Ringo said trying to pull me in for a kiss.

"Ew! No, Rings you smell so bad get away from me!" I giggled and tried to swat him away, as he attacked me with kisses all over my face. We were interrupted by loud footsteps and recognizable laughter heading towards us, which caused us to immediately back up and return to our previous positions.

"Ah! We were lookin' fer ya. We thought we should catcha ride 'ome now. Are ya guys ready to 'ead 'ome yet?" George asked us. 

"Yeah, we're pretty tired too. Where's Paul?" Ringo asked.

"He took tha' girl 'ome" John answered.

"Oh yeah? And you two taking each other home?" I quipped at John and George.

"Yer funny when yer drunk." John mused.

"I'm always funny." I said, stealing the hat of John's head and placing it on my own.

"Suits ya better than me." John said. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Should we get a cab?" George asked Ringo.

"Actually, I'll take y/n 'ome tonight'. Ye lads can 'ead 'ome." He responded. One of the boys always went on the ride home with me on nights like these because they said that it wasn't safe for a drunk girl to take a cab my herself and of course I'm thankful that they're always looking out to make sure I'm safe. Usually, they would alternated between John and Paul or Ringo and George taking me home so that they could just get a ride back together to their shared flats after they dropped me off. So, I was half expecting John to complain about wanting to take me so that he could at least have company for half the way home now that Paul was gone, but he just responded with a smirk that seemed to say he knew something that the rest of us didn't.

"Alrigh',  see ya 'ome la'" George said as he and John went off to find their rides. We waved them goodbye and hopped into our car.

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