Chapter 6

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 I was finally back home. I loved going back to LA because it brought back the nostalgia of my childhood, but England was my home now and there's never a place like home. Luckily, I had a chance to nap for a few hours so I didn't feel too affected by the time difference, but I was HUNGRY. I knew there wasn't going to be anything in the fridge since I cleared it out before going to America, but I can have a quick snack and go pick up some groceries afterwards. I got ready to go out and stopped by the kitchen for some tea. When I opened the pantry, a big nasty rat ran right out at me. I freaked and immediately ran to the phone. 

"Hello, Ringo are you there?"

"Yes y/n, what's wrong? Why are ya so out of breath?" 

"A rat ran out of my pantry and now I don't know where it is and I'm scared it's gonna come out and run at me again! I am so uncomfortable right now, can I please sleepover at your's tonight?" I blurted out so quickly, still paranoid about the rat's whereabouts. I just needed to get out of this house as quickly as I could.

"Uh yeah sure of course, do ya want me ta come pick ya up?"

"No Ritchie that's ok, thank you so so so much. I'm so sorry about this!"

"Don't worry 'bout it. Sure ya don' wanna ride it's really not a far drive?"

"No Ritchie really, I couldn't ask you to do anymore for me tonight. Plus, I really don't want to stay in this house another second. I'll see you very soon, thanks again!"

"See ya soon, love." I hung up the phone, grabbed the keys and a coat from the coat rack, and ran out the door. 

. . .

I knocked on the door to Ringo's flat. I waited what felt like hours for him to open the door for me so I could get out of the freezing snow.  He opened the door with a big smile on his face. His smile was so contagious I couldn't help but return it; it could make you forget about all your problems. 

"Love, ya look so cold hurry up and get in!" His expression turned from jolly to concerned at the sight of my red nose. He pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed my back to warm me up. 

"Yeah I was in such a hurry I didn't get the chance to grab a proper coat." 

"Are ya tha' afraid of a little mouse?" Ringo laughed at me. I hit him in the arm, which elicited a quiet 'ow' from him. 

"It wasn't a little mouse! It was a big rat and yes I am afraid. I know for a fact you would be too if you were there." 

"Ok maybe yer right about that. Anyways, would ya like a cuppa ta get ya warmed up a bit?" He asked politely. I really need some tea right now. I could hear Ringo humming an unfamiliar tune in the kitchen, which I assumed was something the boys are working on for their next album. He came back into the living room with a steaming cup of tea that made me warm up just looking at it.

"Thank you, Ritchie." I grabbed the tea and started blowing on it so that I could drink it as soon as possible. 

"I'm guessing the rat kept ya from getting pajamas as well, huh?" My face turned a bright red as I nodded to signify my failure to properly prepare for the night. Before I could say another word, he went into his room and brought me back some of his own pajamas. God he's so nice. "Go change into these while I get ya another cuppa." He said handing me the clothes. I pulled him in for the tightest hug imaginable.

"Thanks again, Rings.  You're honestly the best friend anyone could ever ask for, really." I let go of him to give him a kiss on the cheek, then turned away to go change. "Love ya, Rings!" I shouted on the way to the bathroom.

"Love ya too, y/n," I gave him a sweet smile before closing the bathroom door, "more than you might think." He said in a whisper even he could barely hear. 

. . .

I put on the clothes, looked at myself in the mirror, and laughed. Of course his pajamas would fit me so well; he's so small. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ringo sitting in the living room, focusing intensely on the paper in his hands. Seeing him sitting there just made me laugh because he's such a baby, it's adorable.

"What?" He gave me a confused, yet still smiley look. "What are ya laughing at?"


"Are ya laughing at me?" He giggled.



"I'm not telling." I saw him walk over to me. "What are you doing?" Before I could process what was going on, he threw me over his shoulders and pinned me down on the couch. 

"Tell me why yer laughing at me or I'll tickle ya!" He was basically hovering over me on the couch, holding my arms down over my head. 

"Do it cause I'm not telling!" I threatened. 

"Alright then." Being as ticklish as I am, my act of confidence started to fail instantly. I was struggling to get out from under him. 

"Say it and I'll stop!"

"NO!" I hated myself for being so stubborn cause I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. "Fine stop and I'll tell you!" He stopped tickling me and waited for me to answer. "Ha! Idiot!" I said pushing right onto the ground. 

"Tha' wasn't very nice!" He yelled from the floor. I felt kinda bad, but he deserved it. 

"Sorry Rings, but you know I hate being tickled." 

~Knock Knock~

"Oh shoot I forgot about George, will he be fine with me staying here?" I asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't he be?" He said getting off the floor and back on the couch. 

"I'll get the door." I said.


Chapter 7 is in the works. I'll post it very soon :)))))

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