Chapter 4

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Our time in LA is nearly coming to the end, so the boys decided we should experience the club scene before it was time head home. I was a bit reluctant to agree because I was never really one for clubbing and big crowds of people, despite the fact that I love to dance. I decided to go because I'm sure I'd have fun anyway–I always did with the boys. 

It was about time for me to get ready. I didn't really have the appropriate attire for dancing because I hadn't planned on it when I was packing, but I figured a simple black dress could be dressed up with the right accessories. When I was finished, I took a quick look in the mirror before clearing out the bathroom for Ringo; I did pretty good despite not having been prepared for the occasion. I opened the door and saw Ringo sitting on his bed with his gaze fixed on the floor, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Rings, I'm done if you'd like to use the bathroom now." He lifted his head to look up at me, his eyes widened as he looked me up and down, his cheeks flushed red when he realized he'd been looking for a little too long. 

"Tha' dress, it-a-it suits ye quite well. Is it- Is it new?" He stumbled on his words, scared to meet my eyes in fear I'd be able to read his thoughts. I always did have a knack for knowing exactly what he was thinking (most of the time). 

"Oh, um, yeah. I got it when we were in London. You think it's alright for tonight?"

"Yes, definitely! Y/N, Ye look. . .Ye look amazing." Ringo said nervously, failing to tear his eyes from me. 

"Thanks Ritchie, you look good yourself as always. I really like that purple ring you've got on, goes nicely with your shirt." To be honest, I've always liked the rings; they make him look so cool and edgy–which was an interesting compliment to his puppy doggish face and other wise unthreatening appearance.

"We better get going, bet the others are waiting on us." I said as I locked elbows with him and walk him out of the room. As we approached the elevator where the other boys were waiting for us, John whistled when as he saw us heading towards them causing everyone's heads to turn our way.

"Looking mighty fine, ma' lady." Paul sang in a posh accent as he sent a wink in my direction before curtsying in front of me.

"Drama queen." I scoffed at him.

"Alright lads, let's hit the clubs then, shall we?" John said, gesturing to get in side the elevator.

. . .

It was dark and loud, and I wasn't drunk enough to dance on my own free will quite yet. Despite my resistance, I was dragged on to the dance floor by none other than John Lennon. I was nervous at first, but John's shameless dancing eased my tensions and allowed me to actually have a really great time dancing with him. We laughed and sung (or yelled really) as he spun me around and dipped me. About half way through the forth or fifth song I noticed his attention was divided; he seem to be focus on something behind us. I looked over my shoulder to see a blonde beauty dancing behind me. 

"OOoooh, now I see! Go get the pretty bird, I'm tired anyways. I'll go sit with Ringo and catch my breath." I said to John assuring him that he wouldn't be abandoning me. I did want to dance, but I didn't want to be a cockblock

"Are ya sure? I don't mind dancing with ya if ye want me to, love." 

"No, I'm sure go have fun. I need a break anyway!" I said leaving John to go sit at the bar with Ringo. I look my seat next to him and ordered myself a beer. Ringo turn to face me before taking a sip of his almost full beer.

"How come you haven't danced at all tonight, Ritchie?" I asked him a bit shocked he had chosen to stick bar-side all night. 

"I don' know, guess I just 'aven't been feelin' it tonight." He looked up at me with a tired expression written on his face.

"Oh, come on! Don't be such a spoiled sport! Come dance with me, why don't you?" I tugged at his hands trying to get him up.

"Ye should go dance with George, it's a good opportunity to get real close to 'im." He said a little spitefully. I squinted my eyes at him, unsure of why he was in such a sour mood. I chose to ignore it and focus instead on getting him to dance with me. 

"I don't want to dance with George, I want to dance with Ringo. The only problem is that he's being an ass and won't get off his ass to come dance with me!" I yelled at him with a slight hint of a chuckle in my voice. I extended my hand out to him in a final attempt to get him to dance with me.

"Fine! Who am I to deny a lady of a dance anyway?" He said surrendering to my request.

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