Chapter 7

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"Y/n?" George picked me up and twirled me around. "What are you doing here?" He looked me up and down then looked at Ringo sitting on the couch. "Did ya guys. . .?" He asked

"What? N-no, why would you think that?" I said defensively.

"Yer 'ere and yer wearing Ringo's clothes. Both of ya have messy 'eads." He was right it looked a little suspicious but that would absolutely never happen so I don't know why he'd think that .

"No, Ringo just attacked me cause I was laughing at him," I said looking back at Ringo who was getting up to turn on the TV and back to George who looked even more confused, "I asked Rings if I could stay over cause there was a rat in my house." My face turned bright red for the millionth time today, "And I was scared so I ran out before grabbing anything." I could tell he was trying to hold back his laughter. "It's fine go ahead and laugh I know I'm an idiot."

"No yer not an idiot," he moved in close to my ear, "it's just tha' I think you'd look better with me clothes on." He whispered. My entire body got hot; I was almost angry that he was doing this to me. The worst part is that I for a split second I imagined what it would be like. I rolled my eyes at him. I knew he was just joking around but it made me feel a certain way, and I didn't like it. I wanted our relationship to go back to normal; John and Paul were flirty enough as it was.

"I can't believe you're doing this again! Fuck off!" I smacked him playfully in the head. I wanted to slap that cheeky grin right of his skinny little face.

"Alright fine I'm sorry. Ya can sleep in me room tonight if ya wanna. I'm alright on the couch," he put on a mischievous grin, "or ya'know we can do tha' thing ya wanted ta do while yer 'ere." He said seductively, leaning against the wall. I gave him the middle finger. "I'm sorry love. I 'ad ta take the opportunity, tha' was the last joke I promise!" He put his hands up in surrender. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Actually tha's alright la', she'll sleep in me room." Ringo chimed in. The cheeky bastard was listening the whole time. 

"No, I won't. I'll sleep on the couch."

"A lady doesn't sleep on a couch." George said.

"She does when she feels bad for bothering her friends on such short notice and doesn't want to steal their beds!"

"It's fine." Ringo responded. George nodded in agreement.

"No It's not, I'm not kicking you out of your own rooms!"

"And we're not letting ya sleep on the couch, love!" George said. 

"What if we just share the bed? We used ta do it all the time as kids." Ringo said.

"Will you two just let me sleep on the couch without bothering you?" I tried to reason with them.

"No." They both responded. I thought about taking Ringo's offer. I was kind of nervous about accepting it because I was scared I might think crazy things again, like I did that night at the club. I knew they weren't going to let me off that easily, and if I was being honest I wanted to say yes.


"Ok you'll do it?" Ringo asked. 

"Yeah." I'm so stupid.

. . .

I got into bed next Ringo. It was so cold I started shivering.

"Ya cold?" Ringo turned around to face me. 

"Yes, very much so." 

"Come 'ere." He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my forehead on his chest. 

"Ringo, are you and George in an argument?"

"No, why do ya ask?" He looked down at me. 

"You keep making sad faces whenever he comes around." He furrowed his eyebrows trying to figure out what I meant.

"We aren't fighting, love. He's me best lad." Then why was he acting so weird whenever I talked to George? I thought about it for a while.

"Oh no Rings, you're not doing that protective older brother thing are you?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Ever since I said. . .well ya'know what I said. You've been acting really strange. Even just now you were so quick to make sure I didn't sleep in George's room." I regretted ever suggesting playing that game because it was making everyone act so weird. 

"No that's not it, I just-"

"You know that I'm not going to sleep with George right?" I laughed at the thought of it. "And George is just joking when makes all those cheeky comments. He doesn't actually want to sleep with me either, he's just trying to rile me up." 

"I'm not too sure about tha'." My face went red at that comment. 

"What do you mean you idiot?"

"Well I'm just sayin' yer an attractive woman and he's a young la', who'd probably jump at the chance ta get a girl like yerself."

"You're a 'young lad' too, but you don't want to sleep with me!" His face turned pink and he flopped down on his back so he didn't have to look at me.

"See the idea bothers you so much you can't even look at me!" I copied Ringo and laid on my back. I looked up at the ceiling and started playing with my thumbs.

"No y/n, that's not it." 

"Then what is it?"

"I don't care if ya wanted ta sleep with George, I can't tell ya what ta do. You're a grown woman."

"That's true but it bothers you, doesn't it?" 

"It doesn't matter." It does to me.

"Well, I just don't want you to be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at ya. Or Geo." He turned back towards me and put his arm on the other side of me to hover over me. His face was so close to mine I wanted to pull him in closer. I couldn't resist putting my hand on his cheek. He put his hand over mine and nuzzled into my touch.

"Tell me what's wrong then." He looked at me for couple seconds; I could see his thoughts race at a 100 miles per hour. He broke his stare and sighed. 

"I'm upset because I realized tha' you'll never think of me as more than yer friend." He waited anxiously for me to react. I didn't really know what was going on. So many emotions were flooding my mind at the same time, I didn't know what to do with them.

"Are you saying that-"

"I love ya y/n. I'm in love with ya. And it's ok if ya don't feel the same. We can just forget about it in mornin' if ya want," I was so conflicted. He searched my eyes for the slightest clue as to what I was thinking and I wanted to just pull him in for a kiss right then and there, but I couldn't muster up the courage. I couldn't speak. I wanted to say something but I didn't know how. He looked away from me, "I just couldn't keep it a secret anymore." He whispered softly before turning back around to go sleep. Fuck, I'm such an idiot. I could have kissed him, I should have, but I just laid there like the idiot I am.  Of course I was in love with him, I'm a fool for ever thinking I wasn't. I was just scared of the feeling not being mutual, and now that he told me he loves me I messed everything up. I probably hurt him so bad; I know I would be heartbroken if the situation was reversed. Gosh the guilt was eating be up-I was sweating. I looked over to check if he was asleep; I was sulking for so long he had already pasted out. I walked out to get myself a glass of water and wash the tears off my face. 


Very large oof 

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