Chapter 5

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"I fear we shall go to hell for this," said Charis. A sickness festered in the back of her throat, a throbbing heat she needed to expel. They had put up with her fears the entire walk, her panicked steps as she looked over her shoulder in fear that someone might spot them.

"I really do feel as if we shouldn't do this," Theo agreed. "Look how frightened Charis is!"

"Would you stop whining at us for a single moment?" said Constance, her patience broken far quicker with him than it ever was with Charis. "And you're perfectly welcome to go home. We truly don't mind."

"But it shall be fun! And Charis, we shan't go to hell. I've read about it and it's a traditional festival and while it predates Christianity, it is actually the roots for the celebration of John the Baptist, hence it's more of a historical re-enactment than an engagement in pagan activity," Tibby said, still leaping about as she spoke.

"You shouldn't read Agnes' books. The minister said they're blasphemous" said Charis, "And you shouldn't be going to see her so often anymore. People have been saying she's the reason that the Proctors' baby died after she delivered it."

"Agnes wouldn't do something like that," Theo assured her.

"Anyway, you mustn't believe everything that is told to you. Sometimes you must simply embrace the joy which is presented before you," Tibby said, suppressing her frustration with Charis. If anyone else had condemned Agnes, then Tibby would have leapt to her defence with fierceness but she knew that Charis meant nothing by it. Neither she nor Theo were able to read and that brought a level of ignorance with it. The only reason Tibby could read was because Agnes had taught her; she had given her a power that few others in Rowley Bridge had.

With one last reassuring glance from Theo, Charis allowed the dark to embolden her. Only the moon could see them, and if God was watching as well then he would know their intentions were pure; that in gathering together beneath the dark firmament at the end of the summer solstice, they celebrated reaching their fifteenth summer with joy at the long days of glistening water before them.

They created a light in the middle of the stone circle they formed. The fire basked warmth over their bodies which shivered from the cool grass they sat upon. "What happens if the others come along? Or someone from the town notices the fire? Or a vicious creature?" Charis said, unable to ease her worries despite the hypnotic stir of the fire.

"Lord, I hope a vicious animal comes along?" Tibby said. She took advantage of the night to scan for the quiet creatures which hid themselves away when she went searching during the day. She had seen insects and birds and mice and squirrels and rabbits and deer, but she longed to see something terribly horrific or terribly timid as well. Her hopes she nothing to ease Charis.

Therefore, Constance pulled her close so that her head could easily rest upon her shoulder. "We're so far away from anything. Listen- there's no wind, no movement, no sound. And if anything does come, I shall sacrifice myself to save you."

Charis laughed. "You would?"

And Constance nodded without hesitation. "But I wouldn't for anyone else. Tibby can kill herself trying to befriend the beast and I've been trying to rid us of Theo for the past six years."

Theo did nothing but give a small smile at this jibe, for they were words he was familiar with by that point. Charis told Constance off for being so harsh to him, whilst Tibby chuckled to herself. As she did, Theo looked at her and asked, "Would you like to be rid of me too?" His tone was forcefully light, with a smile that tried a little too hard to mimic her unserious nature.

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