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We had arrived home in early spring with the earth newly turned and the plants freshly planted. Mother Nature had just begun her rebirth showing off all the beauty that comes with baby animals and renewal. I too was undergoing a rebirth. A few short months ago I had been a runt unwanted, unnamed, unloved. But a tumble down the stairs and into the arms of an unlikely family turned that around. Then to have that turn into this grand adventure was more than my mind could process some times. Yet here I am standing outside a grand cabin, it would be my home. Dad had led me here telling me to get settled in the loft while he went to check and make sure that gollumpus of a Beta of his had done his job properly.

It is perfect, open bright and airy. My loft is wonderful I have a thick pallet and two quilts as well as a linen sheet. I even have a window and the view is enough to make me weep. Knowing I need to get my work done because Beta Astrid is coming over, I hurriedly put my limited items away. Taking all my dirty clothing out onto the porch to be dealt with later. As I stood on the porch my mind drifted back to the warm springs we had found in those first caves. Oh, what I would give to be back in that warm water soaking out the dirt and stink that had become my constant companion.

"What are ya doin' out here", Astrid asked entering the clearing.

"I needed to get my dirty clothes out of the house before the stench invaded every corner", it was the truth. "What I wouldn't give for a long soak in a warm spring", I said. My voice a practical whine.

"What ya got?"

"Huh, what I got for what?" I asked rather confused.

"Ya said 'what ya wouldn't give for a soak in a warm spring'. So what ya got?" She informed me.

"OH, Ummm, I don't know if I have anything to trade but I am willing to work for it," I told her, eager to see what she was on about.

"I'm just pullin' your leg. Yer dad sent me to take ya over to the bathhouse for a good scrubbin'." I jumped up so fast, Astrid was startled.

"Sorry sorry, let me go grab some clothes..." I said moving quickly toward the cabin.

"Not needed, have everything ya need waitin' on us. Follow me." Turning around my feet made quick work of the distance between us. My excitement was palatable it took a lot for me not to skip along beside my new Beta Female.

The walk was not long just a short climb up the mountain then through a door that seemed to be made into side the mountain. Inside was a short hall opening up into a nice sized room, I could see two other rooms -- one on either side, but not the spring. "Where is the spring"? I was more than ready for a bath.

"Before ya get into the water yer going to get a good scrub." said a voice entering in from the left.

Springing around to see a small female with brilliant red hair. "Mam?" I replied. I was old enough to bathe myself. Who did she think I was?

"Child, take off those horrid clothes. Ya stench could knock a vulture off a gut wagon."

While I knew I needed a bath I didn't need this female to tell me I was that bad. "Stop teasing the child, Sorcha. I seem to remember that you didn't smell so fine when we drug your sorry butt in here." Astrid said in a firm tone.

"Oh calm yerself, I'm just having a bit of fun with the child." Taking a knee she addressed me, "Sorcha Fay at your service, young Alpha. I'll be taking care of ya fauna education."

I had not paid attention to this female who seemed more bother than she would be worth, but if she was going to be my teacher. "Sorry, mam. You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not an Alpha." For her to be a teacher she seemed awful addled.

Her guffs of laughter were startling. When she saw that I was not playing or kidding with her she became quiet. "Did the Alpha not tell her?" She asked Astrid.

"No, nor was it your place to mention it. Sorcha, what have you been told time and again?" Before Sorcha could answer Astrid continued. "If it was not something you were told to tell, don't." With that said Astrid turned back to me. "Stay here with Sorcha, listen to her, and get clean." With a last look at Socha, Astrid was gone.

"Why ya still in yer clothes?"

Several moments later, I was sitting in a small depression with warm water flowing over me. "Gotta get ya well and truly wet so the soap can get in all those nooks and crannies." After the soaking, the soaping began, after that another soaking. This was on repeat for multiple minutes. Eventually, the soap foamed white and the water began to run clear. I had begun to wonder if any skin would be left when she was done. "Get up, put on that robe there, and come on in the spring." This pronouncement was greeted with extreme relief. As quickly as possible I followed her.

"WOW", there was no other word for this. The room was huge, with multiple small pools on multiple levels, a large pool was to be found at the bottom of the steps that could be exited on various levels. "Amazing, simply amazing", I said softly as we continued down to the large pool.

Sorcha stopped at the edge of the pool I had been looking around and had failed to notice knocking her into the water.

"Sorry", I wish I could stop saying that word.

"Nay child, tis I who should have been more careful. I knew ya were gobsmacked and should have not stopped as I did. Now set my robe over on those rocks to dry, don't set your's too close." I followed her directions as rapidly as possible. Then I went to the edge and jumped in, splashing Sorcha directly in the face. Upon surfacing I heard, "Child there are steps over there, if ya would have waited I would have told ya. But that would not have been as much fun." With that, she splashed me back.

After a long playtime, Sorcha began to get me ready for the pack meeting. As the evening would be cool she dressed me in leggings with a long sleeve shirt and oversized jacket. My shoes were again my mocassins which someone had cleaned and placed by the clothes. Once dressed she stepped back and grinned, "That'll do".

The walk to the main den was long and as we walked the sun slipped behind the mountains casting them in an orange hue. "Sorcha, what is this meeting about."

"I had wondered if ya were gonna ask", she said giving me a side glance. "This will let the pack know who ya are an' to who it is you call blood."

"Aren't we all family?" While it had not been that way at Pack Wolfe I thought Dad's pack would be different.

"We are, child, but blood is different. As a wolf we respond to the power in the blood, it helps to mark our rank and tell others who we are. Yer too young yet for yer blood to shift so Alpha Liam's claim will do the same." Sorcha explained.

I didn't fully understand but as long as the adults knew then whatever.

Oh, how I wish it had been whatever.to start writing

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now