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The days passed as we moved East. Atsadi let me lead, often disappearing during the day only to reappear in time for dinner. Four days of travel found us in a cave preparing for another winter storm. Atsadi had gone hunting as I checked out the cave and collected enough firewood to hopefully last out the storm. "Heylo is any 'round", A male hollered into the cave.

Easing into a defensible position I answered back, "The cave is occupied".

"UH, can we share", a hesitant voice question's back?

"How many are in yer party?" At that point, I hear parts of a conversation in Russian. They are trying to figure out if they want to join me in the cave or risk being without shelter when the storm hits. After several minutes an answer is tossed back.


With a deep breath, I call out "Enter".

As the males enter they look around scoping out the cave and looking for me. I am near the rear of the cave in the shadows keeping my escape handy. "Please have a seat and get warm", I tell them keeping my voice calm and cheerful.

They move as one toward the warmth of the fire. There are indeed three of them, the smallest is a large male whose chest my arms wouldn't fit around. They are like the mighty Oak in the mountains, they would make good allies. "Forgive me", I continue in English, "my partner is out hunting but I have hot tea if you would like some".

"Tea, the child would like to know if we want some of her tea", the middle male asks in his deep Russian tone. He reminds me of the only other Russian I have met, I make a mental note to keep a hard eye on him.

"Let it go, Guba, she meant no harm. Not all English are like that female who tried to tie herself to you". The largest male said. His voice was soft and gentle, at odds with his size.

The smallest male was staring at me and it was making me uncomfortable. "Please excuse but have we met before", he queries.

The surprised look on my face made the large one laugh. "No, I do believe I would have remembered meeting talking Oaks."

"Oaks she call us Oaks", Guba said shaking his head with a huge smile on his face.

"It is just odd, I feel as if I should know you. My wolf he want to protect you", small says with a confused look on his face.

"Good, is not just me", large says happily staring down at me from across the fire.

"Of course, we feel protective she is a tiny child alone", Guba says as if he has all the answers.

"Where are my manners. I am Dmitiry, this is Guba, and that is Sergey we are from the Cold Wolf Pack we are headed to..." small or Dmitiry was interrupted by the return of Atsadi in his black puma form.

"Oh good, your back what did you catch? Come on by the fire and get warm, yer like ice", I say rushing over to greet my friend and ready to put the meat on the fire for dinner.

Atsadi looks around and a growl rumbles through the cave, letting the males know this is his cave and he is not happy to find them in it. "Oh pipe down, I let them in", the look the cat gave me told me he thought I had lost my mind. "They will not hurt me, would you not want someone to take me in if I were in their position?" At this the cat gave me a lick of his long tongue and tossed his head toward the cave opening, letting me know that the food was there waiting on me. "Alright, back and to the right is water and a surprise. Go on while I get the food on." I tell him moving toward the opening.

"You are a child he is cat how did..."Guba says as if he can't believe his eyes.

"He is my family", for me that is the answer.

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now