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I had been sent home without being allowed to ask and questions. My wolf and I confused as to why this tale had been told to us. Did they think we were like that silly female? We knew to wait for our mate. My wolf had thought about this throughout the night and could not figure out what the meaning of the tale was for us. We rose to start the day, making quick work of our chores. Moving through the snow toward Grandpa and Papa's den, I was stopped by Neilina, "Congratulations on your shift, canna wait to run with you on the full moon. I canna believe ya shifted on ya birthday day what a lark. How old are ya now?" Her words spilling out of her.

I had forgotten my birthday, how could I have forgotten my BIRTHDAY? Looking up I caught Neilina staring at me, "Sorry, until ya mentioned it I had forgotten my birthday." Her jaw dropped. "I'm 13 winters."

"There is no way someone musta messed up ya date." The disbelief in Neilina's voice was clear and it made me think. Could have someone messed with my birth date?

"Ya know what let's go ask the Elders. They'll have the answer", I said knowing that they knew my story and would have written proof of what the true date of my birth was.

Arm in arm we tromped across the snow to the Elder's den for some answers and hopefully hot tea.

It took three knocks to get an answer. "Coming coming don't beat the door down", growled a voice on the other side of the door. "Oh, come in come in, burr that weather is cold. Brush yer selves off and come on in by the fire. I'll get ya some hot tea", Elder Eecho said scurrying off.

"Sir we have a question. If we may sir, my birthday must be wrong 13 is too young to shift", I say as we wait for tea.

A crash from the kitchen area as well as the cry of "OH MY" sent my feet moving toward Elder Eecho. His face was pale and he looked scared. "I was so wrapped up in telling you the 'Tale of the Blue Wolf', I had forgotten it was yer birthday." Some of his color had returned as I moved to guide him to a chair at the table.

"Neilina would you mind running to get the Alpha and the..." Before I could finish she was grabbing her coat and out the door.

"Now how about I get us some of that tea ya were speaking about earlier", I said as I moved to pick up the cutlery and dish wear on the floor.

"Oh Bo, no ya donna have to do that", Grandpa said.

"Tish Tosh, are ya sayin' my tea isn't good enough for ya", I play argued with him.

His smile was weak as he spoke back, "To tell ya the truth it's a long sight better than Seac's. But donna ya be tellin' him that."

I raised my hand to cover my heart and grinned at him as the kettle whistled. Moving everything to the table, Grandpa played mother and we sipped our tea in silence. It was peaceful until the door was thrown open and what seemed like half the pack barreled in.

"Where is he"

"Is he OK?"

"The Healer is on the way."

Were all spoken, I'm sure more were but they were drowned out but these.

"Calm down everyone, I just had a spell", Elder Eecho told the crowd.

"Alright everyone, as ya can see the Elder is fine. Since the Healer is coming she can check him out but as ya'll see he is alive and drinking his tea", Said Alpha Liam. "Go on back to what ya were doin'", he told those gathered. Shutting the door he returned to the table.

"So what happened", Alpha asked looking between Grandpa and me.

I looked at Grandpa and then at Alpha Liam, "Neilina and I came over to ask about my birthday. I think someone messed up it up because 13 is too young to shift". The look they exchanged scared me and it made my wolf move up in my mind.

"Bo, yer birthday is correct. Ya shifted on yer 13th birthday." Elder Eecho said in a soft firm voice.

"Why? Why would I do that?" My wolf and I were confused. Was it because I was a runt?

"Bo, do you remember went we journeyed here? We stayed at Otetiani's village and you were made part of his tribe", Alpha Liam asked?

I looked at him like he was crazy. How could I have forgotten my spirit walk? "Yes, sir. He named me Grey Wolf in the Forest", I said.

"Do ya remember what he told us as we left", Papa asked?

I looked around, surprised to see so many had been allowed to stay. "No, what did he say?"

Everyone turned to look at the Alpha who was looking at me with tears in his eyes. "He told us you would return to him for training when you were 13", he said. "I did not tell him but I knew I would not let you go till you had shifted."

"Alpha, Dad?" I was scared, my wolf was stirring. What was he saying?

"I love you more than the breath in my body. You are my reason for rising in the morning. But ya gotta go." Dad was crying but I could still hear the Alpha in his voice.

From my mouth came the words, "I will not fail you Alpha", my wolf uttered the words that I could not. At that moment I too knew that this was not where I needed to be, it was time for me to journey back to Otetiani's village.

I had gathered my things and would leave in the morning. The day had flown by as my pack member came with gifts and warm wishes for my safe journey. Now it was just Dad and me sitting in front of the fire, no words were spoken each of us lost in our thoughts.

"Ya know I'll be back as soon as I can?" I say breaking the silence. "Yer not going to be getting rid of me that easy." Tears were running down my cheeks but a smile was firmly in place. "No matter how long it takes I'll be back for my pack, ya old wolf."

"Ya better, I dinna train you all this time to have ya skip out", he said with a sad sorta smile. Reaching over he hauled me into his lap and held me tight.

Nothing else was said till we parted for the night, "I love ya's" were softly passed between us. I climbed up to my loft for the last time in who knew when, saying my prayers that night I thanked the Goddess for my family, my trials, and my hardships for they had made me strong. The largest part of my prays went to begging her to protect my family and making sure they were all happy and healthy until next time we meet.

It was dark when I rose up and readied myself. I knew that Dad, my Uncles and Aunts, and my friends all planned to see me off, but that was not my plan. My wolf and I agreed it was better for them to wake after we were gone. So on that cold winter morning, I left to return to a village that I had only a vague inkling of where it was and to a tribe that I had not seen since I was 7. What could go wrong?

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now