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Winter and morning, my life sucked. The cold had come slowly and we had enjoyed the long summer that gradually and lazily slid into winter. Those lazy days were but a memory as I cracked an eye, uncovered my head, and listened to the Blizzard attempt to blow the den down. Groaning, I climbed down the ladder and stoked the fire back to life. Shivering, I wondered if I should put on two or three layers to go out. I was dressed in three layers, the fire was hot and the coffee on when the door opened, letting in a howling wind. "Shut it, were ya born in a barn", I yelled as Dad, Uncle Adare, Uncle Fenian, and Uncle Sten entered. Stomping out the door, grumbling under my breath about those not appreciative of heat.

"I think she's gonna shift soon", Adare said.

"Goddess I pray so, I want my sweet pup back," Sten says looking toward the closed door sadly.

"Agreed, that pup had been like a bear in early spring. Some days it's all I can do to control my wolf around her, he wants to punish her for her disrespect. Yet when she apologizes to us, cries, and crawls in my lap he is ready to forgive her anything. She's our pup but..." Dad says confused and broken-hearted.

Again the door opens and the males get quite not wanting Bo to hear their conversation.

"I'm tellin' ya it's colder than I've ever seen it. The fish in the lake are frozen", says Astrid walking in and kissing Adare. "Alpha, Delta"

"Alpha, Beta," says Bea entering. "Don't worry we sent Bo to see Healer Gro and Heather, told her they had something for her Birthday."

"Is she still snappin' and complainin', then cryin' and sorryin'" Astrid asked?

"Yea, she left out of here grumbling because we didn't appreciate the heat", Adare says shaking his head.

"What am I going to do? Too much more and I'll be pullin' me hair out", said Fenian grabbing at his hair standing it on end.

"An what a shame that would be, such a fine head of hair it is", giggles his mate.

"Yea har har har but seriously what am I going to do, my sweet pup has gone..." Liam said.

Only to be interrupted by Astrid, "She hasn't gone, she is just becoming a she-wolf."

At this, all the males looked horrified.

"My pup, no" cried Fenian "Ya canna do this to me"

"No not that", cried Adare "She was so sweet"

"What am supposed to do with a she-wolf" cried Liam "I just got used to a pup".

The she-wolves rolled their eyes as the shenanigans.

"Ya just gonna hafta pay the piper and move on", said Astrid. Grinning and throwing a wink at Bea she continued, "She is going to shift soon, then she will find her mate..."

"Not anytime soon!" "Not my pup!" "She's too young!", were heard punctuated with growls and moans. The she-wolves laughed so hard their sides hurt. "Face it, time dunna stop for any male or female. We must now prepare her for..."

The door was flung open and Neilina burst in.

"For the love of St. Patrick canna the interruptions stop..."

"Alpha, come quick Bo is shifting", Neilina turned and ran back out as the den emptied.

Fast as possible they made it to Healer Gro's den, barging in they heard the agonizing cries of a pup going through the first shift. Following the cries, they rushed following the sounds to a far room of the maze that was the Healer's den. "Ah, there you all are. Please come in and relax it will be over soon", said Healer Gro, calm as could be.

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now