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Standing on stage was Dad, to his rear left stood his Beta Adare and Beta Female Astrid on his right was a couple that I had yet to meet but assumed to be his Deltas. They were speaking amongst themselves. Sorcha herded me up onto the dais, "Here she is Alpha as shinny as a gold nugget."

"Thank you, Sorcha." He told her as she turned to go. Turning and looking me over he nodded. "You ready for your introduction", it was a statement, not a question.

I said the only thing available, "Aye".

Placing a hand on my shoulder as he turned away, "Come meet the Deltas." Those few steps seemed to take longer than necessary, those on the ground staring at me attempting to sum me up. "This is Delta Fenian O'Shea and his mate Delta female Beathag O'Shea we call her Bea. You remember Beta Adare and Beta Female Astrid." Dad introduced us.

Minding my manners, I presented my hand and dipped into a curtsey, "How do you do. It is my honor to meet all of you". Dad smiled. Uncle Sten picked me up for a hug telling me that the curtsy was a bit much, round here we just shook hands.

"Leave her alone she has manner, why shouldn't she use them. You louts should use yer's more." Astrid defended me with a grin. I moved over toward her and Delta Bea.

"Did you know my parents too?" I was curious who had known them and what they would tell me about them.

"No, I came from the far West up where the snow never goes away. But from what I have been told they were fine warriors and would have been a boon to the pack." Her voice was harsh and her tone factual, I got the feeling she would be a fair but harsh taskmaster. The pack was lucky to have someone like her as Delta.

"Gather round", after allowing for everyone to gather Dad continued to speak. "I have brought back supplies from the East as well as news of a gathering conflict. It seems that the colonies have finally gotten tired of kneeling to England and have thrown off the yoke." This caused a ripple of voices to rise. After giving it a few seconds to settle back down he went on, "Packs are taking sides, no matter who wins there will be many rouges flooding our lands we need to be on guard for them. We also need to be on the lookout for lone wolves and refugees, many packs will be destroyed or broken up by this fighting. Anyone found attempting to cross the border will be taken to the cells, feed, and checked out by the Delta's. Only kill when necessary." Saying this Alpha Liam stared straight at a huge male in the middle of the pack. The male stared straight back with a smirk on his face. "The supplies have been logged in and those needing them, check in with the Betas for a portion. Also, the debt owed by Pack Wolfe is settled." These words caused a loud sigh from the huge male. "Is there something you want to be sayin' Seamas?" The male shook his head, but you knew he would be speaking very soon. Looking back amongst the crowd, "I brought back Elder Eecho, Elder Seac, and most of their Archive." Many of the crowd smiled and the excitement seemed to build at the mention of having the Archive and Elders here. "Also I want to introduce all of you to Anlon's and Bodil's daughter Boudica Eden Wolfe-Connolly, my claimed daughter." That was the match that lit the fire.

"Ya dare bring that bastard runt here as yer claimed daughter." Seamas bellowed. The other pack member seeming to flow away from him leaving him with a small group. When the crowd had drifted sufficiently away he stepped closer to the dais. "A female Alpha- he spat the words out as if they were too bitter to consider- ya think we would follow a weak little runt?" He began to laugh as he turned around and faced everyone else. While his small group laughed with him the rest of the pack chose to remain quiet, snarling at the quiet ones he returned to speaking with his Alpha. "We need a strong leader, like my male here." A large paw crashed down on the shoulder of a small male, he looked to be around 10 to 12 years. "Now, here is who ya should be training as Alpha." Seamas smiled down at the young male, the smile was not of happiness or pride but something else and it made my skin crawl.

"Seamas I have told you that this summer I would begin training several of our young males and female who showed promise. It will be from them that our next Alpha would be chosen." My head jerked up and I stared at Dad briefly before quickly looking out at the crowd, my mistake had not been missed by the young male and I knew I would pay for that. "Let us all eat and get acquainted with our Elders." With that Dad took my hand and guided me off the dais we were followed by the Elders, Betas, and Deltas. After eating I was released to go meet my fellow pack members and run off some energy.

Making my way around the area I was waylaid by Ewan and two males, "So ya think ya gonna take my position?" Ewan gruffed at me. "Ya won't. I have another position in mind for ya." He had his father's smile.

"I donna want yer position. I wanna my own. As for your mind, keep it to yerself it means nothin' to me." Twisting around him to leave he grabbed my arm bruising it.

"Now listen here ya little chit, I will be Alpha here and the likes of yer are going to stop me." With that said he tossed me to the ground and he and his males sauntered off to rejoin his father's group. He was welcomed back as if he were already the Alpha heir.

Picking myself up and dusting myself off several youngsters walked up. "How did you stand up to him? He scares me. That was dangerous. Do ya wanna die?" Were some of the phrases tossed at me.

No, I donna wanna die but I will not let the likes of him bully me. He's a gibface foozler and no account. As far as I was concerned he was to be ignored, he was not my first bully and I had not let them crush me nor would he.

"I'm Bo, it is nice to make your acquaintance," I told the assembled group.

"I'm Heather, this is Iasan, Alastar, Sorley, and Clar. Wanna see the lake?"

"Sure" With that my new friends began my education on this pack. 

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now