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It was nearly time to return home. Home, such a simple word yet for me it holds huge meaning. I wasn't born into a home, no it took me tumbling into the Archives for me to find a home at Pack Wolfe. I had no dad until Liam Wolfe came to lay claim to his debt, my home shifted to the male who saved me. Now my home is here in the village where I was trained and tested, where I have gained so much and lost much too. Today is the day that Otetiani will give me a final challenge, with this completed my training ends within this village. Did I mention how much I hate mornings?

"Rise and shine, today's your big day", Sarah says coming into my den. She and Atsadi had mated about a month after returning from saving Jenny. He moved into her cabin and have enlarged it for the big family they plan on having, it is a good thing too as they are now expecting their first cub. I am so happy to have a new cousin.

"Auntie, what are you doing here? Does Uncle know where you are?" Sarah has a mind of her own and it drives Atsadi nuts. "You know you can't run off and not tell him where you are going, you are too close to your time."

Right on cue, "Has anyone seen my mate"?

"She is with me Uncle at my den. I will keep her here till you collect her", I tell him with a smile. Looking at Sarah she knows what is going on and that her escape has been short-lived.

"Oh pooh, couldn't you have told him I was a grown female perfectly capable of taking care of myself and would see him when I was done?" She gripes at me.

"Nope, I still have ringing in my ears from the last time I covered for ya." Just a few weeks ago we had gone out to collect herbs and berries, unbeknownst to me she had not told her beloved mate her plans. I had thought that Uncle was just being a worrywart and had blocked his whining. Let's just say, I will not be doing anything like that any time soon.

"Fine", she said sitting heavily at the table. "Did you cover your scent again", I asked. When she told me how she had simply rubbed in the natural scents of the village to cover her natural cat smell I was amazed. Now we did it just to get away from everyone once in a while.

"So before my dear Uncle comes rushing over here to collect you like so much firewood. Why are you here?" Time to get some answers.

"This may be the last morning you wake up here. I want you to come, eat with us", she says with a sniff and tears in her eyes.

Pretending I don't see them, "Fine. You know I like yer cookin' better than mine." I tell her with a smirk.

"FEMALE, what makes you think you can just wander off like that?"

UH OH, them's fightin' words and I do not want to be caught in the middle of it. I barely make it out the door before Uncle barges in and the yelling commences. I decide to meet them back at their place as their fights never last long.

Wandering through the village I realize that there are few out and about. I guess I slept in longer than I thought I had? Deciding that I had given them enough time to get home, I meandered over to Uncle and Auntie's cabin. The air was still and quiet, I had begun to wonder if they had decided to make up in my den. Ew, I was glad that I would not be sleeping there tonight.

As I reached the porch Auntie Sarah called out, "Come on in". Pushing the door open a tsunami of "Love you" flooded toward me. Nearly the entire village was there, they came out of every nook and cranny inside and outside the cabin. It took me a moment to catch my breath, "Really?" My shock was evident and my heart bursting and my eye tearing.
"There will be none of that", says Two Horses pulling me in for a hug. In the last several months he has become a true friend and mentor.
"The Horse is right, no crying on yer day", Oya says. They had finally admitted that they were mates but still had some things to work out. She drew me in for a hug, forcing Two Horses to let me go.

Chapters of a Life: Trainee (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now