Chapter - 16

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Skye's POV.....

as i walk back from training with bobbi it good that we became friends again after broke up. and at the same time the new tranfers so we decide to walk over and introduce our selves

"Hey you guys must be the new transfers I'm agent skye and this is agent morse" I said stopping them in there tracks

"Yea we are my name is agent Scott and this is agent colby agent Robeson agent Monroe and agent murphy nice to meet you" said a girl with whit blond hair with purple ends.

"So what bace are you from" ask bobbi

"Where from the Atlanta branch" said agent colby who had blond hair. then I remembered were coulson said when I left the first time she went for a year and visited for a long time while I was in a coma

"Are my girlfriend worked there for about a year and 6 months while I was away" I said

"What was her name because we might have met her" said agent Scott

"Agent Jemma Simmons" I said and they just looked at each other

"Yea but only briefly" said then girl with black hair and dark I liner

"Cool well I'll see you around, bye" I said and bobbi and I left. "Did you see there faces when I said and Jemma's name" I asked bobbi

"Yea there just weird, well this is my stop, sparing later" she said and I just nodded and made my way down to the labs to see my beautiful girlfriend. as I walk into the lab I saw Simmons texting some one so I walk over to her and put arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the temple. then she turned to face me.

"Hey skye"she said

"Hey jem, by any chance know a agent Scott and her little posey" I asked

"Yea I've met them once" she lied

"I'll see you tonight" I asked and i just nodded and left. but as I was leaving the group of girls from before walked in and just looked at them then left to go practice sparing with bobbi

Jemma's POV.....

As skye left I saw Alice (agent Scott) enter the room. And walk over to me

"Hi guys, from what I've heard you guys met the popular girls" I said with a smile on my face trying to act normal

"Follow me" I said and they did. we walked down an empty corridor to an old room that doesn't get used. "what do you want" I asked.

"Why did that agent skye girl say you were her girlfriend" Alice asked with her arms crossed over her chest

"Her name is skye, and she said that because she is my girlfriend and has been for the past 6 years" I said and a tear rolled down Alice's cheek.

"Then what was I-" I cut her off

"I loved you and her and when we met she had been on an undercover mission were she told me we were broken up then after a 1 year with you I got a call from her say that it was just for her cover story and that she still loved me and that she was coming home" I said now also with a tear running down my cheek

"Well what about the year after" asked colby

"Well a few weeks after she got back something happened and she got really upset and was ignoring me then one day she was just gone, then four days later I was called into work because AC team who went to save people had been blown up and there were two people who lived one in critical condition and the other In a self induced coma. skye was the one in a coma and after some test the other doctors said she may never wake up. so I left because I couldn't cope seeing her like that" I said now tears falling from my eyes

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