01. Alana Jane's Legacy

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     It was something she was looking forward to for a very long time. She remembered how much she had longed for this day to come and it finally arrived. She would be starting her senior year and she would also be able to leave her mark. It may not sound so exciting to other people but it was a Beacon Hills tradition for students to sign their name on a bookshelf in the library right before they start their senior year. And as much as she wanted to leave the town and start her own life, she still wanted to leave something behind that would stay even after she left. It would be proof that she was there and not just another person that came by and left and had no impact on anything. Her parents didn't really understand why her name written on a bookshelf in permanent ink meant so much to her but didn't bother to stop her from going when the day finally came.

     Alana Jane sat on the soft mattress with her legs crossed while checking the time on her phone. The white numbers on the screen glared back at her and she placed the device face down on top of the duvet. She got up and dug through her closet for some clothes to change into so she wouldn't have to wear her fuzzy blue panda bear print pants and plain tee shirt. Once she chose the clothing she would wear, she pulled her dark brown hair back and used the red scrunchie on her wrist to tie it into a messy ponytail. She changed into a pair of faded jeans and a graphic tee that was two sizes too big for her. Once her shoes were on and the laces were tied, she grabbed her jacket off the hook that was screwed into the door of her closet and pushed her arms through the sleeves. She made sure her keys and phone were in her pocket and headed downstairs where her mother was standing in the kitchen with a boiling pot on the stove.

     "Mom, I'm heading out," Alana Jane said loud enough for her mother to hear.

     "Come straight home after you leave the library," the older woman said sternly.

     "Will do," Alana Jane said as she walked out the door and walked to her car parked in the driveway.

     Once she got inside, she put her seatbelt on and started the engine. As soon as she was on the road, she started heading toward the library where the senior scribe was going to be. While she was driving, she noticed a raindrop sliding down the windshield smoothly right before more water droplets started to fall. Fortunately, she left prepared with her jacket which had a hood to protect her from the rain. She didn't mind a little water but when she saw the lightning flashing across the sky with the sound of thunder rumbling in her ears, that rose a little bit of concern. She hoped that she could make it to the senior scribe and back home before the storm hit.

     That one raindrop became thousands more as they hit the glass of the windshield. Alana Jane turned on the windshield wipers so she could see the road in front of her clearly. It was already dark outside given that night had fallen but dark roads combined with pouring rain never ended well for anybody. The tires turned smoothly along the sleek concrete and the school came into Alana Jane's sight. Once she reached the parking lot, she found an empty parking space and killed the engine. As she got out of the car, she pulled her hood over her head to protect herself from the downpour. As she was walking toward the entrance to the library, she saw a familiar blue jeep that she knew too well over the years. Her train of thought was put to rest when she heard grunting and growling nearby and it did not sound normal to her at all.

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